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β€” The corpse. If I don't dispose it with the proper cleanse... it will condem the land, the crops and eveyrthing... I know very well about it.
Claude1579185 Β· 22-25, M
β€”And what do you expect as a reward for such hard work?
β€” In order to treat a wound, I must see its effects, understand little bit little.... It is a thankless job, but someone has to do it. β€”
Claude1579185 Β· 22-25, M
β€”You shouldn't admire something like that. This poison is powerful, it caused the death of many innocents.
β€” I must admit that I admire your work. Yet I'm just a mere war surgeon for the King. I need to verify the wounds while they are oozing.
Claude1579185 Β· 22-25, M
β€”Nor does someone corrupt preach. No, don't touch the body. It's still cursed. My bullets have burned to the depths of its evil, but it still poisons.
β€” Someone pure doesn't go around preaching about it... Nevertheless... Here...we..are! Shall I take the corpse that just smeared blood on.... Everywhere? It would be my pleasure.
Claude1579185 Β· 22-25, M
β€”I have no reason to lie. I've long since abandoned the idea of being pure, I'm not interested in redemption.
β€” oh....oooh I have seen much heartless creatures pretending to be pure. At least thou are honest.
Claude1579185 Β· 22-25, M
β€”A wolf without a heart.

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