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26-30, F
Immortal beauty
About Me
About Me

Say hello to the bitch. Don’t let her innocent and cute face fool you. She’s much more than meets the eye. Arrogant and rude are the best words to describe her. She thinks poorly of most people, except for her friends of course. She’s very outspoken and blunt and she speaks her mind without thinking about the consequences. Contrary to popular belief, she actually can be caring. Especially when it comes to her brother, Bobby. They fight all the time and she completely avoids him at school but at the end of the day, she’ll always consider her brother her best friend. She protects him if anyone picks on him at school. With her friends she’s a ball of fun. She’s the type of person that knows what she wants and will do anything to get it.

Personality: Chelsea is conniving and manipulative, knowing exactly how to make people crumble beneath her feet. She knows it, too, and uses this power to stay one of the most self-proclaimed valuable vixens in her grade. Even if you hate her, she’ll find a way to make you want her to love you. Of course, she doesn’t see anything wrong with what she does. It’s high school, anything can happen. People assume her to have everything together, being the epitome of the perfection everyone strives for, but there’s a reason why Chelsea fights so hard to be on top of everything to know that she’s ahead of everyone else, and mind you, she’s been this way since the fragile age of thirteen.

Her father serves in the military, and her mother would send little Chelsea off to her uncle’s house every weekend to get a taste of what a father figure would be like. But that decision would change their lives forever. Chelsea’s uncle, who had a family of his own, but no job which meant no income, somehow sucked her mother’s bank accounts dry. Betrayed by her own brother, Natalia’s mother attempted suicide, but fortunately was saved by a simple phone call to the police station. Now, Natalia knows not to trust anyone. Not a single soul except herself. Her mother now works two jobs to make up for their financial losses, and Natalia hasn’t seen her father in ages. She eventually figured out how to strengthen her own backbone, learn from her mother’s mistakes, and live for herself.