CatarinaFialho1515900 is away from SimilarWorlds at the moment.
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Contact with this user may be limited until the user returns.
26-30, F
Sou divertida tou smp c 1 sorriso na face, mmo qd td corre mal . sou boa amiga mas inda pior inimiga
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1-10 of 39
DjuesDon · 36-40, M
DjuesDon thinks you are Charming.

hum nao precisas de agraecer ;)
e pareces muito qerida e simpatica
e pareces muito qerida e simpatica
LuisCosta1527672 · 26-30, M
ex muito linda
brigado muito bonita
AlexandraLeonardo · 31-35, F
AlexandraLeonardo thinks you are Cute.

AlGustavo · M
AlGustavo thinks you are Sexy.

DiogoGoncalves1523327 · 36-40, M
ola tudo bem?? podes me dar o teu mail es muita jira gostava de fala comtigo
PauloTavares · 31-35, M
D nada gira
DedeeFilipe · M
DedeeFilipe thinks you are Champion.

1-10 of 39