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Castiel · M
I stabbed you, i didn't kill you. You killed me.

-Bickering forever!-
But... that's why I'm telling you to not do that again! (???)

-Old married couple(????)-
Castiel · M
It is what happened, is it not?

-Luci, Literal!Cas was just giving you the facts!-
... W-wha...? -all teh lols here-

-He isn't sure how to answer to dat, but yes, IT'S A BETTER LOVE STORY THAN TWILIGHT!-
Castiel · M


-Is pulled closer, his cheek smashing against Luci's chest-
I abandoned you because [i]i[/i] stabbed you and you[i] killed[/i] me.

-Still a better love story than Twilight-

-pulls teh Cass closer, and PETS his head. [b]HIS[/b](!)-

You cannot abandon me again. Don't stab me again, so I don't have to kill you(???????????)
Castiel · M
Yes, that would be the, uh...expression. -Air quoting-

I don't know why he did what he did. I was confused, scared... -And aroused!?!??-
... wow -sincerely surprised, mostly because he isn't sure how that was even possible(???)-

So you just trolled him and he--.. wait, DID HE [i]PET [b]YOU[/b][/i]????? -jealous, SO DAMN JEALOUS(???!!!)-
Castiel · M
Something woke me, and the empty woke up as well. It looked exactly like me. He was mean!

He kicked me and then pet me, and in the end i annoyed the entity so bad, it gave up and sent me back to Earth.
-Melts and smiles all d'aawwww!(?????)-

... No. How was that?
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