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-Probably not, but let's say fate has the last word in this. (a)-
Castiel · M
@Mirajane Strauss: You are very welcome -He has been receiving a lot of cheek kisses lately, he thinks it's a nice thing(?)-

Thank you -Wondering if he got into another date without realizing it-

There, perfect! -A happy smile curled her lips upwards.- It will turn out just beautiful, trust me! -She walked over to him and actually placed a soft kiss on one of his cheeks.- Thank you. Stop by my house when your shift is over, I'll treat you to the best burritos in the world. -Probably because they're made by her, yeah! (L)-
Castiel · M
@Mirajane Strauss: I can do that, i can stay perfectly still -Statue mode: on(?) As for the smile..-

Burritos. Burritos make me..happy lately -There goes the smile.
Nooo! You sit still! -She actually placed her hands on his shoulders to make him stand still.- If you move when the photo is taken, it will get blurred. -Surprisingly enough, today she was patient enough to explain him every little thing.- So you need to try not to move much. And what's with that frown? Try to think of something that makes you happy! -Burgers?-
Castiel · M
@Mirajane Strauss: Yes -Part of it- I have no idea what you are talking about.

-He did tilt his head to the right and approached the camera like an amateur(?)- Like..like this?

It's not about brushing teeth in a stranger's bath, it's about being you in it. Do you understand now? -She flashed him her kind smile.- Now let's see..-Mira put her camera down, walked closer and started to fix the way his shirt looked.- God, Cass, do you ever iron your clothes? (!) -Deep sigh here.- Now..-She turned his head to the left, and then to the right anddd after a moment of thorough consideration she concluded.- Okay, remember this, it's important. When you take photos, always tilt your head slightly to the right. It makes your features stand out the most. (?) -Yeah, she knew he definitely got that.-

Ok. -Mira took some steps to the back.- Now give me your best smile!
Castiel · M
That is nice. -It was, he had to agree on that.He took a picture before..but it ended up being burnt-

Though i find it very odd that a picture of me brushing my teeth in a bathroom that is not mine can be considered one of your happy moments in life.
-She gave a long sigh here. Mira knew Cass didn't do it on purpose, but there were moments when she couldn't help but think he was so so childlike.-
No, silly. -She couldn't help a smile though.- A photo album. It's a..uhm..an agenda where you add photos of those dear to you. I want to take photos of all of my friends. -And since she knew she had to explain him why she wanted to do it.- It will remember me of the happy moments of my life later, in the future. So will you, please? I promise you'll look great!
Castiel · M
@Mirajane Strauss: -He kept his blank expression though- A..bathroom album?
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