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Castiel · M
@Sam Winchester: ...no !..-Grins-..i might be (?)
SamWinchester1541706 · 41-45, M
.... Are you....drunk?! 😯
Castiel · M
@Sam Winchester: -Cas be chucklin'!- Don't ask stupid questions (??)
SamWinchester1541706 · 41-45, M
So... can you fix him or what?
Castiel · M
@Sam Winchester: -An expected answer-

SamWinchester1541706 · 41-45, M
Fix my brother first??
Castiel · M
@Sam Winchester: -Waiting-

SamWinchester1541706 · 41-45, M
Castiel · M
@Sam Winchester: Pick a side, Sam (?)
SamWinchester1541706 · 41-45, M
This is creepy. So much creepy.
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