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I've trained the Cheale's weeping cherry (did you notice the secret walkway through the braches to the top patio) all aorund that patio and this spring, its flowering right across the back - my carzy idea worked. I really do like gardening and I really do want to earn a fee pennies in retirment and give other people something nice into the bargin so if you want a few garden designs or even some gardening doing, I'm up for it.
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Captain · 61-69, M
HI Sarah C - looking even better today. I'll try and get one of my latest ones up. I've trained the Cheale's weeping cherry (did you notice the secret walkway through the braches to the top patio) all aorund that patio and this spring, its flowering right across the back - my carzy idea worked. I really do like gardening and I really do want to earn a fee pennies in retirment and give other people something nice into the bargin so if you want a few garden designs or even some gardening doing, I'm up for it.
Heartlander · 80-89, M


We have a similar back yard arrangement, though I think we're smaller; about 13 meters by 13meters on a slight front to back slope, with a full width, elevated deck overlooking, Recent fence replacements put me in a near total redo and a great opportunity to redo it to our taste rather than the previous owner's taste :) Also a couple of the back neighbors removed trees that were providing privacy, so I also have to plug that gap.

I love the weeping cherry and the ability to guide which directions it weeps, also that I can plant it close to the fences and not infringe on the neighbor's space too much. We also want to preserve comfort zones for the squirrels and birds who make their homes in an overhanging neighbor's mulberry tree. The squirrels use the tops of the fences as highways to roam the neighborhoods and freely hop from the fences onto the decks.

Sitting on the deck or in an upstairs bedroom and looking down into our neighbors hot tub and kitchen window kind of spoils the tranquility a bit, so the need for 2 or 3 more small trees that won't grow into monsters or crowd us out.

Thanks again. I'll post pictures once I'm a bit further along.
Captain · 61-69, M
@Heartlander Mine as paced out in 1996 was indeed 13 x 13 m so !!! We also how squirrels (grey US ones) and our goldie doesnt like that. One of my favourite plants is just out of view int the pics I've uploaded. Between the bay and quince on one side (just comng into flower) and the cotoneaster on the otherside (jsut coming into leaf) is a golden fur tree bought as a planter specimen 6 inches tall now 8 foot tall and with light green/golden spurs and looks a picture when the sun gets on it. Its surprsing how much some plants reward you.
Heartlander · 80-89, M

Love your landscaping. Would you mind identifying the plants there along the right wall? I already have a perfect spot for the tall overhanging tree with the pink as well as the greenery in the foreground.

Great pictures!!
Captain · 61-69, M
@Heartlander Rhodos, Pieris, Azelea, conifers, camelia and a cheals weeping cherry. The weeping cherry was a forlorn lobsided tree left alone at the end of our first summer (1996) in the garden centre and I got it for £5 when it was maybe 5 foot tall, knowing it would grow over the circular path bit I never thought that nearly 30 years later I would have bene able to train it around the fences and lone the back garden. Glad you like it. I'm going to add some more pics when I get around to it. We are on clay topped limestone but the secret is to have an east facing wall so the buds on camelias and pieris are protect form early sun after frosts and dig the soil out, put down a plasic liner, and put in lime free compost and keep adding more organic material every year. The clay will help prevent ground water rising as wel as the dry lining, and a mix of water retaining clay with plant material should keep things acidic enough ph5 is fine. Then gradneing is just about letting the plants grow and lookng after them. The trunk burts on the cherry years ago and I feared it would get a fungal infeciton and die but I guess it was alright. I decided I wanted a circular path day one when I looked at my boxey garden and so made the path and central lawn, and it seemed logical to make circles in each oorner and have deep borders but the idea of the "cherry tunnel" and the hodden corner cam as the tree grew. Next door have an amanagowa for after the pink comes nextdoors pinky white and then our bright pink blosson om the other side. I planted to have differne flowers every month. The only disappontment I have is the wisteria which has for some reaosn never flowered. Any ideas ? Anyway my tip is think long term, go with clear designs for living space in mind based upon where the summer light is in the morning and in the afternoon, and adapt the plants to do a job for you as they grow, cutting back ruthlessly as I do. And good luck ! Thanks for the interest.

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