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Logogriph - N. A word puzzle cryptic, usually an anagram.
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This comment by AlannaAnderson is pending approval.
This comment by SyraAdkins is pending approval.
This comment by GinCroix is pending approval.
This comment by GinCroix is pending approval.
SyraAdkins · 26-30, F
Thanks Byrol, but i changed my name...
What do you think about this one?
"she smiles gently"
Oh that is good to know, I'm glad for you.
I'm pretty good, thank you.
GinCroix · F
You're just afraid of strong,independent women! [lol not really]
It was funny. And good. And weird. Perfect mix.

Turkeys freak me out.
If it isn't cooked...
GinCroix · F
Special someone: very rich,quite old. Hopefully will die quick (?)
[lol I watch television]

The internet is free.
Everything goes.

GinCroix · F
Can't. I'm saving myself for someone special.
And we both know Katiekat is your one true love.
Stop fighting it and just give in. ^.^

Unless you're too shy to ask her out. Want me to help?
I give great advice. For can sing.

Well,girls. We touch each other.
GinCroix · F
Why do wear clothes?
Not thinking of the weather and all of that.
But why do we wear clothes?

Because some parts should be private,right?
And then if you let someone see you
all of you
then bang! Special.

Unless you're a prostitute.

And that's why I lock the door when I'm in the bathroom.
And stay away from public ones.