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36-40, F
About Me
About Me
To love and to lose is something every human should experience, if for no other reason than to realize how fragile a heart really is, and to understand how badly they are capable of injuring someone else. I’m a big believer in the phrase “everything happens for a reason.” And, i’m also a believer in the concept that God allows bad things to happen to us because there is something we are supposed to learn from the pain, something that is going to make us a stronger, better human. (well, also because when Eve ate the apple, she screwed everything up, but thats another conversation altogether)

Someone very wise told me tonight that tension is a necessary part of any relationship. I like that idea… even though i hate tension… and conflict. But the idea of tension and conflict and hard times bettering you in some way, i like. I think it has the potential to make us understand each other a little better if we allow ourselves to actually see things from someone else’s perspective. I think it has the potential to give you courage… courage to not only speak up and say what your feeling, but courage to not accept things as the are if they are just “okay” and just mediocre. The courage to confront a problem or a person has the potential to make that problem better, or make your relationship with that person a lot greater than it was before, because you will understand just a teeny bit more of the other person’s mind and heart with a little confrontation. You might even learn how to work things out and agree on things, if you’re lucky :)

i love.
i play.
i sing.
i travel.
i write.
i listen.
i encourage.
i believe.
i live.