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41-45, F
Lonely libertarian in a statist world
About Me
About Me
I'm a militant libertarian and can't stand the busybody socialist nanny-state that is today's world. Basically, I can't deal with being told what to do, and I believe in voluntaryism rather than compulsion. I'm sick of people thinking that it's OK to infringe on bodily autonomy in the name of 'society', 'the greater good' and—above all—safety. Seatbelt laws (and more recently those revolting COVID masks) epitomise everything that I'm opposed to, and I refuse to comply. Sadly, that's left me with a very lonely, awkward and isolated life, as no one else seems to feel this way. I feel like a relic and wish that I could have lived back when people were more relaxed and had a 'live-and-let-live' attitude—not the bossy attitude that's become the norm today.
The older I get, the worse I feel about how my life has panned out (or, rather, hasn't panned out) because of this. I'd would love to connect/re-connect with any individuals out who share my outlook. It would be nice to not feel so alone. 😞