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BigBadBubble is away from SimilarWorlds at the moment.
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41-45, M
Diabolical madman with a short attention span, and a plan to take over the world. ๐Ÿ˜ˆ
About Me
About Me
If you are on this page you want to know a little bit about me. Hi, I'm Tomas (pronounced like Thomas), I'm a child therapist I live in Wisconsin with my son and my dog. As of 5/20/2018, I got engaged to my amazing girlfriend. She and her two daughter's, and 3 doggies will be moving in with me and my son when school lets out. The wedding date is still not set, and I'll probably update stuff when it happens or find somewhere to open a somewhat blog about my life, if I do and someone's interested in reading it, feel free to ask.

Now that you know the basics about who I am, do what you want, message, block me, or even glare at me two tables over while I'm eating a pancake at IHOP.