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- Sigh. -
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It's getting weirder miss... We can forma a group someday if you want. I mean if you are a fighter and also a priest it will be interesting. - The swordsmand stands up and give her a bow. -
KathreinLuna · 18-21, F
You are not bothering.
No i am not. Different world....no.
Different kingdom. We are part of your worlds.
But different times....
#look at him#
We can look human if we wish
You were live in a diferent wolrd or how is it? You're not virgin now? Ah... got so many questions, sorry if im bothering you. - The boy scratched his hair. -
KathreinLuna · 18-21, F
They were.
But also warriors.
I was a pristess too....a virgin.
Till i came out to your world
Don't panic miss, i don't know so much about the elfs so... You said that you where in temples so.... I thought they were priestesses... Sorry.
KathreinLuna · 18-21, F
Purge!?!??.....we are not witches.
War between the elves.
I lived because they gave their lives.
#look at him#
You thought we were peaceful?
- He couldn't hide his astonished face. - That's weird... I don't have any. They are all dead too, but i'am a man you know. - Laughs a little. - Why they are all dead? Was it some purge or something?
KathreinLuna · 18-21, F
It was. But they are all dead. And perhaps you never heard of it because they were all women in temples....#look at him# do you have relatives?
- The swordsman copies the bow gesture. - Moon elf? Is that a special tribe? I've never heard before.
KathreinLuna · 18-21, F
#look at his hand. Touch it for a moment. Then bow.#
I am Kathrein. The last moon elfa

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