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All I ever wanted was the world.
About Me
About Me
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“My velvet tongue burns itself on each syllable of your boiling name.”

Bárbara | 21 | Student.

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{You never knew much about me.}

"You never knew much about me, you never really knew anything at all,
not the minute details you should.

Like that I have an inane fear of toothpaste
touching my skin and that I lie every day more than I tell the truth because too many people ask me if I’m okay.

Or that I fall to easily in love with monsters and then spend too many poems writing about them like they’re god, or that I love my mother more than any amount of DNA could ever explain.

And I can’t write unless I tie my hair up and one of my favourite books is The Great Gatsby, but not because of the love story but because I adore the words and I actually feel really sorry for Daisy Buchanan, sometimes.

Or that I don’t feel comfortable in dresses and skirts and would never leave the house without make up on or that I have a terrible habit of accidentally destroying things (or people) without meaning to.

And that I swear a lot and very easily sweat because I get nervous and my hands get clammier, or that people tell me I come across really confident but I have never felt it.

And sometimes I miss people that I never even knew and spend two halves of my life in a world I made up in my head, or that I think success is measured by how wide you can smile inside yourself.

And that love is made from remnants of laughter or that I like men who get excited
about words and books and know what iambic pentameter is.

All I know is that I want to write for the rest of my life and never have to do anything else, and I know that that is not the way the world works, but I can’t help but wish it was."