BananaSpider is using SimilarWorlds.
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22-25, F
The stars will fall with me.
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RemotePlanet: I have seen you before.
Stop trying to trick me :o
6 yrs ago
glitterinyourface: OHHH OKKK... I'll leave.. But always remember,
Well, if you love me :D that just means I love you...
7 yrs ago
glitterinyourface: OHHH OKKK... I'll leave.. But always remember,
that I hate you as much as you hate me.
7 yrs ago
beingawesome: What was the most recent awesome thing that...
My game data uploaded on another device.
7 yrs ago
BlindingMeadows: So my friend has a crush and now has completely...
I know a girl like that, she's always with her bf...
7 yrs ago
BlindingMeadows: So my friend has a crush and now has completely...
Were they really a friend in that case?
7 yrs ago
kaiyaneko: whats your favorite sport to practice?
@kaiyaneko: that would've been so much fun ^^
7 yrs ago
kaiyaneko: whats your favorite sport to practice?
That sounds awesome *^* my high school doesn't...
7 yrs ago
kaiyaneko: whats your favorite sport to practice?
Archery is so much fun, I only ever got to do it...
7 yrs ago
DavidBianchet: What's a good excuse to party?
it's always someone's birthday
7 yrs ago
SJ859: Do you ever read somebody's blog on the Internet..
It's actually so disappointing.
7 yrs ago
DavidBianchet: How do you feel about people who snort when they...
It's usually accidental so I don't really mind...
7 yrs ago
BananaSpider: Would you put yourself or the person you liked...
I am generally lazy but not in this case since my...
7 yrs ago
theowl: do you like big city driving?
I prefer suburban and country over city driving :<...
7 yrs ago
OWise1: Please finish the following: If only .......
Forgetting would be enough.
7 yrs ago
Probably because the being nice part is just a...
7 yrs ago