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Alright, ladies and gentlemen, here’s how this is gonna work…
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This comment by OctaviaBlake is pending approval.
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Oh my you are alive
Don't telll you really want me to do it... (?)
-Some kind of show, just for him (?)-
I can't even picture myself...
-Yes she could but, it was in her nature too, that sort of "thing" but she prefered to deny it.-
Lap dance?
-Laughs at that precise moment, just because... Well.-
I think it would turn into some kind of circus. Everyone would laugh.
-Makes a disappointed expression.-
SW-User thinks you are Lazy.
Now we're talking in the same language,Ashtray.

Too damn desperate. Where is it? WHERE IS ET?!
This is Bryol -Shows him a picture he took with his phone when Briol wasn't looking(?)-
Oh right, guess what? Ashtray?

Byrol says you lied to me.