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About Me
April Owens × 21 × Human × Heteroflexible × Formerly an Actress × Unclaimed
« “I want to be a lion. Everybody wants to pass as cats. We all want to be big big stars but we got different reasons for that. Believe in me because I don’t believe in anything and I want to be someone to believe” »
April is probably the happiest girl you’ll ever meet. But she might also be the most confusing. She grew up Arizona with her mother and father, both who were convinced they had a little star on their hands. And they did. When casting calls for a t.v show were announced the Owen’s family packed their suitcases and set out for Las Rosas. The show would feature a family, and April being only 4 was trying for the part of the younger Kidd sister. And she got the part, passing the multiple auditions with flying colors. She had the look, she was adorable, and she had the most energy and commitment they had ever witnessed in a 4 year old. Thus begun her career. She acted on the show until it finally ended 4 seasons later. April was devastated when the show had been cancelled and 8 she had already begun a very slow downward spiral. Still in her parents custody, they worked with her manager to land a few more parts. Several kid’s roles, voice roles, commercials, and even the promise of a new t.v series came her way. She seemed to be carrying on a healthy career and April was the happiest 14 year old girl in the world.
But then the roles stopped coming. She was cute yes but she just wasn’t what they were looking for. And audition after audition left a disappointed April. By the time she was 16 she had discovered the wonderful world of alcohol and drugs. Her parents either didn’t see or refused to believe but their daughter had developed a few bad habits. And when she could only land b list roles she began to get worse. Reaching the age of 19, April’s parents had decided to move back to Arizona and April wanted to stay. With the littlemoney she had left she parked herself in the Beaches in a small, run down beach house on the boardwalk. She hadn’t given up her habits still, instead developed an addiction to cocaine and partying. For awhile the tabloids would run stories of all her demons; the drugs, the eating disorder, the parting. She refused to admit it but each story tore her apart only making her realize the harsh truth. April was an alcoholic, a drug addict, and a washed up child actor. But the stories started to fade and so did she, into the background of Las Rosas.
Next to trying to become famous again, the drug is her life. It’s probably the reason behind her intense happiness and outgoing personality. April’s been that way her entire life but it amplifies it, occasionally making her a bit obnoxious. Though with the highs comes the lows and she often crashes becoming irritable, angry, depressed, rude, and not a very pleasant person to be around. April tries to act independent but she’s incredibly needy and will search for attention wherever she can get it. People still sometimes recognize her and that gives her some hope. Currently she’s trying to get herself together, trying audition after audition, and working the odd ‘corner’ to make a little extra cash.

Being dominated, hair pulling, dirty talk
Using her body to get her fix, men old enough to be her father