Part scientist, part artist, mother of two daughters 15 & 17, divorced, reader of all sorts of books and journals, lover of science fiction & history & mystery; besotted romantic now regretting the loss of a dear young friend, open and ready lover. Sensual mind and body and spirit; seeker of understanding and spiritual center, torn between pagan and christian worlds (which is not as crazy and self absorbed as one might assume], I have traveled all my life---my parents were professionals with careers that moved them--and therefore me--around the globe. I have stayed many places-lived, had homes, many places-mostly urban, but there are only three places I consider, ever thought of as home. Each of those places are rural---in the outback really. Now my daughters have grown up moving around the globe nearly as much as I did. Tall 6'1", slim 134lbs, light brunette, long---sun-streaked (I am also a blonde by bottle and spirit-I change as moved). Long silky pubic hair---sometimes shaven and slick, easy with breaking constraints in private and public; 34d; brown eyes. Bodies, touching, eroticism, sex are important to me, but not everything to me---emotions, everyday life, work, my family are part of my core---respect that and me please. Love to dance and sing. Painter to explore alternate ways of seeing and being. I live much younger than I am.