AngelaPowell is using SimilarWorlds.
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51-55, F
girly girl... NOT!
About Me
About Me
I'm just a average woman, with an above average intellect. I'm sincerely honest, and terribly modest. I work hard and love deeply. Sister of some, mother of sons, wife of none. Overly responsible and underly opinionated. lol. Lover of water, nature, animals, art, music, beauty and horticulture. Like you, I enjoy the finer things in life, but I am Not into social "status", bullying, hypocrisy or "Elitism". We are all born with nothing and will leave the same way. Hold true and real Love close, You don't know if you may ever experience it again. and Lastly, I must be crazy cause i think (after much research) that the God of the Hebrews and Us today was/is what we today call Aliens. :) and don't mock me unless you've read the bible fully and with an open mind! Look into the other religions too.