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A girl who dances in sharp tones of grays up up up in the g a l a x y.
About Me Notes
About Me

[code]quand tu tailles la bleu de mes veines
quand tu tailles la route loin de moi
dis-moi, est-ce que j'ai le choix?[/code]

Andromeda Black
PureBlood (eyeroll)

Ted Tonks [code]- Husband/Loves More Than Anything. Making the decision of marrying him is everything but a mistake. She doesn’t regret it one bit, they have a beautiful little family- their Nymphadora only proves. She loves him and he loves her, he supported her through this time and protected her. Nothing more to wish for.[/code]

Narcissa Black [code]- Sister/Misses. Narcissa was the youngest and Andromeda always made sure she is alrigth, always took care of her. Sometimes she misses doing that, checking if she is ready for pureblood events or for school. Though she tried to contact her once, she doesn’t anymore…knowing it’s dangerous.

Bellatrix Lestrange [code]- Sister/Worries About A lot. Bellatrix and her used to be best friends, it used to be them and the world. Though she saw when Bella started to become more escentric and a lover of the dark, she always tried to tone her down. Even if she didn’t suceed, she still worries about her sanity.
Sirius Black [code]- Cousin/Wishes She Could Be There For Him. Sirius is her favorite cousin- had always been. She always tries to keep in touch by sending him messages, always inviting him over and what not. He is the only blood family she has left tehnically and she tries to keep the knot knowing he has a hard time.[/code]