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Vós, que sofreis, porque amais, amai ainda mais. Morrer de amor é viver dele.
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DarrellKirby · 36-40, M
sorry to both
tell me who you are or I'll have to communicate with the founders of iorbix I'm being hassled?
he is not sick. he just does not like me strange if meta eat his girlfriend. which in this case is me.
I know you from somewhere?
currently I am putting up a stranger at any given name Darrell Kirby.
DarrellKirby · 36-40, M
what's up ? R U studying or job?
and already now how are you going to be with me?
I do not know if you only knew who you are was easier.
do not need you use a fake account.
DarrellKirby · 36-40, M
just feel the feeling of love. when i saw you in picture, i totally flattered to you. you are a mind blowing women i ever saw. if god give a chance i will be with you even one day.. it will be memorful day for me...
and why you want to be with me? do not I know you from anywhere.
I quite like my boyfriend. and you did not even know you.
now thanking you to tell me who you are or else for sending me this.
with all the love and affection ANDREIA'CARVALHO
DarrellKirby · 36-40, M
i want to be with you
tipo quem es e para de mandar estas merdas porque eu nao percebo nada

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