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26-30, F
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The Whiteboard is a place where people can send Gestures, Attributes, Images, Comments, and much more...
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DavidSimon1528442 · 31-35, M
sou smp p ti, n negues :b
NinaReiz · 31-35, F
olá :))
DavidSimon1528442 · 31-35, M
eu smp lindo ya u.u
sou fixolas, xau.
DavidSimon1528442 · 31-35, M
n kkk "circo sem palhaço, namoro sem amasso, sou eu, assim sem vc!"
ZacHaynes · 31-35, M
é ...
ZacHaynes · 31-35, M
ta bem ...
DavidSimon1528442 · 31-35, M
são demasiado bons pra ficarem aqui publicos u.u
DavidSimon1528442 · 31-35, M
uiui nem tu sabes u.u ahaaha