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18-21, F
My name is Alicia
About Me
About Me
I hope to make some friends.
My name is Alicia Maria Maddalena Giustina Courreges, I was born in the province of Lucca, close enough of Pisa, not far from Firenze.
I am from Coreglia Antelminelli, Toscana, Italia. I am 1m65 tall, and I weigh 46 kg. I wear a 'C' cup, for those who want to know such things.
Parlo italiano da quando sono madrelingua, sono toscano, ma ho ancheparlo tedesco, me l'ha insegnato mio padre. Ho studiato Matematica alla Scuola di Pisa.

I’m a keen swimmer, I like snorkelling at sea, not too far from where we live. I have parachuted for charity. I ride horses 🐎 and motorcycles 🏍️, if you lived in my part of Tuscany you would see me riding to Pisa to study. I play chess ♟️ which is one of my favourite indoor games, I like to play badminton and to go for a run. I play the piano, my Papa has a grand piano in the drawing room at home, and I practice there and play as an entertainment at home. I like sailing around with my friends. We have crossed to Elba a few times now.