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{Ooc: If you are prepared for the role please give start.}
We're two stubborn idiots *Smirks* It's a shame you have to leave tomorrow but i won't stop you.
Haven't been in the best mood either.I'm sorry too *Rocks the baby in his arms and looks at her*

What time will you take him tomorrow?
You always say that when you know i'm right *Stands and approaches her on the chair, taking a sleepy Richie in his arms*

It's late, i'll put him to sleep.
Are you forgetting i'm the one who helped you through all this.I'm the one keeping your secret.I could forbid you from seeing Richie but i didn't do it, i'm not like that. How dare you saying i only think about myself? That doesn't make any sense at all!

I got it and i understand your point. Dammit, i'm glad you're back but i'm mad at the same time. You can't even act friendly around me anymore.
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That's plain evil even for you *He wasn't angry, just frustrated*
Tomorrow?? That soon?

No, c'mon! I thought you'd take him next week month?
*Watches them* Would you like to stay with him tonight? There is a bed at the nursery room.
{Ooc: Thx 4 the add.}