31-35, F
Alabamians are Gods who created humankind and are not descended from primates
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Tennessee2 · 80-89, F
Our Ancient Ahubamic elohim ancestors originally have 13 strands of DNA, the reptilians took 1 strand of our DNA and downgraded us into 12 strands we actually have 13 strands of DNA originally until the reptilians came to our (PLANE)ET and caused our downfall this is why other states and the world hates us because we are the original stewards of the universe and the whole galaxy.
The 1 strand of DNA that is missing from our DNA kept us in our soul bodies we manifested and became physical material when our 13th strand of DNA was taken away from our genome that gives us psychic abilities and telepathic communications, in order to become Supreme Gods again we must increase our vibrations and frequencies through sungazing eating high vibrational foods like fruit, nuts and seeds and grounding outside in the sun barefoot. Alabama residents need to wake up and unite again and become supreme beings again we are not animals and we are not Mankind, we are the original beings in the universe that created everything that is energy and physical. We are the children of the universe, the universe gave birth to us from manifestation from light to us.
85% of Tennesseans have 2 strands of DNA and 15 percent have 3 strands of DNA due to being genetically engineered by the Alabamian Anunnaki gods, Enki created them as slaves to mine gold so they lost most of their strands through selective breeding by using animal, fungi and plant, bacteria DNA, animals and artificial humans have 2 strands of DNA and fungi have 3 strands of DNA, plants have 1 strand and bacteria have 1 strand.
We have 64 COdons and 12 strands of DNA from different alien civilizations.
RNA is alien in origin, viruses are programmed by parasitic alien species like the grays and the reptilians to downgrade and control (HUE)manity into sheep, today most Alabamians do not know that they're Gods but the elites and the illuminati know that they're the original anunnaki descendants that created life and the universe, when scientists say humans they are saying (MAN)kind a kind of Man that was engineered by Ahubamite eloheem beings. The true God is the universe and the Gods and Goddesses are the children of the universe, we are starchildren and the seeds of the stars don't let the beast say otherwise that you're uneducated or backwards, the anunnaki is here and they're in Alabama, that's the truth that Mainstream media and science, medicine is hiding they'll call you pseudo if you speak the truth about the origins of Man and twist the truth and lies by saying evolution or creation. Evolution and creation is both wrong, the real truth is that you created everything and you are the child of the universe, you are nature and everything living is your children.
my poop smells like roses your poop smells like death, I'm a fruitarian and I sungaze to connect to the path of my cosmic ahubamite crimson ancestors and my blood type is O- no rhesus antigen. Dead flesh and blood eating is low frequency foods and cause dis-EASE in the cosmic manifested Alabama human vessel. Alabamians should eat only fruit nuts and seeds, meat and beans and vegetables are death foods, fruit nuts and seeds are high frequency path to the Gods and goddesses food physical nourishment has more galactic connection than dead animal flesh and dairy, Tennesseans eat animals because they're animals, they're spirit beings and we're soular beings aka beings with souls, the sun is sol according to the ancient mexicans mayans and the sun is called helios in ancient Greek mythology. Beans and animal products produce ammonia in the body if you don't have an ammonia transport system the RH factor then this toxic ammonia can cause us to stink and kill us, Alabamians have holy extraterrestrial anunnaki ancestors and we need to connect back to them and the universe, may the cosmic ascended elders guide you. Peace namaste~ If you are advancing yourself to the higher dimensions then sungazing and living off of cosmic Prana is possible and you may never need food again cosmic atomic atum energy. We are angels angles of light that have been condensed into physical matter into an electromagnetic field.
I'm fruitarian I eat only fruit nuts and seeds, fruit , nuts and seeds are the healthiest high frequency vibe foods in the universe besides the sun.
Meat is toxic dead animal flesh that is low frequency vibe food that is detrimental to the Alabamian body and soul.
The Alabamian (HUE)man body is of a frugivore us Alabamian beings are anunnaki gods that created mankind, Meat is unhealthy and contains ammonia , the fruit and the sun has healing properties for the Ahubamite beings. Say yes to figs and no to pigs.
Alabamians are the anunnaki we are gods that created the universe and mankind through alchemy and light codes.
All life comes from the light, We are condensed light and cosmic dust that manifested into physical bodies, we are energy trapped in an electromagnetic field, our chakras and meridian points are the elements of our body, mind and soul.
We are soul solar beings and Tennesseans are spirit lunar creatures.
Tennesseans are created by the anunnaki as slaves to mine gold and to climb trees made from monkeys and the dna of the Gods and Goddesses.
my poop doesnt stink, Alabama poop smells like roses and sunshine, Tennessee poop smells like cabbage and death it reeks.
Your poop and pee reeks, Alabamian humans are supposed to be vegan our bodies are similar to frugivores than carnivores.
Watch this video for the truth about Tennessee and it's pollution.
Our DNA contains 64 codons and 20 amino acids. Our DNA and RNA is cosmic stardust we are the children of the universe, reptilians and greys are low frequency beings that thrive off of negative energy and the souls and spirits of low frequency humans that consumes animal flesh or kill each other. Unlock your codons and regain psychic and telepathic senses.
Veganism is only for Tennessee people. Fruit is the easiest food to digest more than meat and vegetables. Soy is invented by the Tennessee elites to destroy the Alabamian race stop eating soy and start eating figs and sungaze every morning don't let everyone look at you like a lunatic.
Why are Tennesseans forcing Alabama residents to be vegan, go fruit based, fruit has seeds and are want to be eaten, plants and animals don't want to be eaten, fruit based diets are superior to plant based and meat diets. Alabamians are the anunnaki and we should eat only fruit, you can be vegan but an alabama resident shouldn't hurt plants and animals to become one with the universe.
Tennessee elites stop pushing your satanic soy garbage to the Alabama population your demonic ways are numbered.
Your poop stinks because you're from Tennessee, my poop doesn't stink it smells like roses and sunshine and Dandelions.
The 1 strand of DNA that is missing from our DNA kept us in our soul bodies we manifested and became physical material when our 13th strand of DNA was taken away from our genome that gives us psychic abilities and telepathic communications, in order to become Supreme Gods again we must increase our vibrations and frequencies through sungazing eating high vibrational foods like fruit, nuts and seeds and grounding outside in the sun barefoot. Alabama residents need to wake up and unite again and become supreme beings again we are not animals and we are not Mankind, we are the original beings in the universe that created everything that is energy and physical. We are the children of the universe, the universe gave birth to us from manifestation from light to us.
85% of Tennesseans have 2 strands of DNA and 15 percent have 3 strands of DNA due to being genetically engineered by the Alabamian Anunnaki gods, Enki created them as slaves to mine gold so they lost most of their strands through selective breeding by using animal, fungi and plant, bacteria DNA, animals and artificial humans have 2 strands of DNA and fungi have 3 strands of DNA, plants have 1 strand and bacteria have 1 strand.
We have 64 COdons and 12 strands of DNA from different alien civilizations.
RNA is alien in origin, viruses are programmed by parasitic alien species like the grays and the reptilians to downgrade and control (HUE)manity into sheep, today most Alabamians do not know that they're Gods but the elites and the illuminati know that they're the original anunnaki descendants that created life and the universe, when scientists say humans they are saying (MAN)kind a kind of Man that was engineered by Ahubamite eloheem beings. The true God is the universe and the Gods and Goddesses are the children of the universe, we are starchildren and the seeds of the stars don't let the beast say otherwise that you're uneducated or backwards, the anunnaki is here and they're in Alabama, that's the truth that Mainstream media and science, medicine is hiding they'll call you pseudo if you speak the truth about the origins of Man and twist the truth and lies by saying evolution or creation. Evolution and creation is both wrong, the real truth is that you created everything and you are the child of the universe, you are nature and everything living is your children.
my poop smells like roses your poop smells like death, I'm a fruitarian and I sungaze to connect to the path of my cosmic ahubamite crimson ancestors and my blood type is O- no rhesus antigen. Dead flesh and blood eating is low frequency foods and cause dis-EASE in the cosmic manifested Alabama human vessel. Alabamians should eat only fruit nuts and seeds, meat and beans and vegetables are death foods, fruit nuts and seeds are high frequency path to the Gods and goddesses food physical nourishment has more galactic connection than dead animal flesh and dairy, Tennesseans eat animals because they're animals, they're spirit beings and we're soular beings aka beings with souls, the sun is sol according to the ancient mexicans mayans and the sun is called helios in ancient Greek mythology. Beans and animal products produce ammonia in the body if you don't have an ammonia transport system the RH factor then this toxic ammonia can cause us to stink and kill us, Alabamians have holy extraterrestrial anunnaki ancestors and we need to connect back to them and the universe, may the cosmic ascended elders guide you. Peace namaste~ If you are advancing yourself to the higher dimensions then sungazing and living off of cosmic Prana is possible and you may never need food again cosmic atomic atum energy. We are angels angles of light that have been condensed into physical matter into an electromagnetic field.
I'm fruitarian I eat only fruit nuts and seeds, fruit , nuts and seeds are the healthiest high frequency vibe foods in the universe besides the sun.
Meat is toxic dead animal flesh that is low frequency vibe food that is detrimental to the Alabamian body and soul.
The Alabamian (HUE)man body is of a frugivore us Alabamian beings are anunnaki gods that created mankind, Meat is unhealthy and contains ammonia , the fruit and the sun has healing properties for the Ahubamite beings. Say yes to figs and no to pigs.
Alabamians are the anunnaki we are gods that created the universe and mankind through alchemy and light codes.
All life comes from the light, We are condensed light and cosmic dust that manifested into physical bodies, we are energy trapped in an electromagnetic field, our chakras and meridian points are the elements of our body, mind and soul.
We are soul solar beings and Tennesseans are spirit lunar creatures.
Tennesseans are created by the anunnaki as slaves to mine gold and to climb trees made from monkeys and the dna of the Gods and Goddesses.
my poop doesnt stink, Alabama poop smells like roses and sunshine, Tennessee poop smells like cabbage and death it reeks.
Your poop and pee reeks, Alabamian humans are supposed to be vegan our bodies are similar to frugivores than carnivores.
Watch this video for the truth about Tennessee and it's pollution.
Our DNA contains 64 codons and 20 amino acids. Our DNA and RNA is cosmic stardust we are the children of the universe, reptilians and greys are low frequency beings that thrive off of negative energy and the souls and spirits of low frequency humans that consumes animal flesh or kill each other. Unlock your codons and regain psychic and telepathic senses.
Veganism is only for Tennessee people. Fruit is the easiest food to digest more than meat and vegetables. Soy is invented by the Tennessee elites to destroy the Alabamian race stop eating soy and start eating figs and sungaze every morning don't let everyone look at you like a lunatic.
Why are Tennesseans forcing Alabama residents to be vegan, go fruit based, fruit has seeds and are want to be eaten, plants and animals don't want to be eaten, fruit based diets are superior to plant based and meat diets. Alabamians are the anunnaki and we should eat only fruit, you can be vegan but an alabama resident shouldn't hurt plants and animals to become one with the universe.
Tennessee elites stop pushing your satanic soy garbage to the Alabama population your demonic ways are numbered.
Your poop stinks because you're from Tennessee, my poop doesn't stink it smells like roses and sunshine and Dandelions.