I am Montenegrin, from a very traditional family. My father, and the males in my family clan act in accord with our traditions to provide a protective environment for we women and we show our appreciation of this.
My mother died in childbirth when I was born and I have been raised by my father. I have a sister and the two of us have recently been on a Europe wide exploration before we returned to our homeland again and to accept the husbands our father and our family have found for us. The wedding was on August 23 when I married Hamza Dragojević.
I am twenty three years old, blonde and I have green eyes which do look darker at times. I am one metre sixty five tall, a little shorter than the average Montenegrin girl this is because I am also part Bosnian Muslim, and I weigh about forty seven kilograms. My measurements in English measure are 32B 25 35. I am not interested in anything which my father would not approve of.
In our home our family tradition is law and this is interpreted for us by our father. We are Christian and we do not listen to blasphemy. My father has always backed our traditions with examples of the law of God from the Holy Scriptures. We are modern in our view of things, and our ambitions for our people, and we are resistant of anti-Montenegro sentiments.I
On August 23rd 2019 I got married to Hamza Dragojević. On October 10th I suffered a miscarriage. Now, because he lied I might not even be married at all! He is already married to a woman in Tangier!
I'm now living in my own house in Kotor, just me and my bodyguard Lazar, and I'm getting my life back together again after so much upset. My sister has a photography studio in Cetinje, and she's married. After being suited by someone online who seemed to be an understanding soul, I'm now in a 'convenience ' with a neighbour, going on dinner dates and a little more from him for sanity sake!
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