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About Me
About Me

[code]Name: Addison Carver

Nickname: Addy

Height: 5'6.5"

Weight: 137 lbs.

Hair: Red

Eye: Blue

Birthday: March 23, 1990

Parents: Unnamed, both deceased

Siblings: Brother, Michael, deceased


[code]My name is Addison Carver, aka Addy. I’m from Washington state, I’m twenty-six years old, and on the night of the outbreak, I was at a hockey game. I met Mack that day. My first thought was to go home and find my brother and mother. Before the world went to shit, people described me as sensitive and soft hearted. Then I had to kill my mother after she took a bite of my baby brother, Michael. Things were relatively fine - or as fine as things can get - until Black Summer hit in 02AZ. Then, suddenly, people died en masse at the lack of resources and the zombie population hit the millions. I’m just trying to make it, and trying not to let anyone else I care about die - but that’s not really stopping anyone.

I was in New York when Black Summer hit, traveling with a friend named Doc. I met up with a few ex-mi litary who were looking for an overrun convoy containing a man named Murphy, also known as the human race’s last hope. He’s so far the only person to survive a zombie bite. I’ve been traveling with him for the last few years - or has it been months, you can’t really tell anymore - trying to get him to the CDC in California with the help of the mysterious Citizen Z. Along the way, we’ve met plenty of people. Tends to be that we’re the only ones walking away.[/code]