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About Me

To Violet: "You’re doing it wrong. If you’re trying to kill yourself, cut vertically. They can’t stitch that up. And if you're trying to kill yourself, you might also try locking the door."

Name: Tate Langdon
Age: Not known
Species: Ghost
Cause of Death :Shot by S.W.A.T. team
Occupation: High School Student
Family: Tea Langdon and Adela Brenner

Background: Tate was born in 1977 to Hugo and Constance Langdon. Tate was the brother of Adelaide, Beauregard, and one more sibling, whose identity remains unknown. He is the only one of which not burdened by some sort of physical or mental defect, although he was shown to be psychologically disturbed. This is due largely to his father's absence and his mother's neglect as a child. Tate, however, found solace in Nora Montgomery, whom he viewed as somewhat of a mother figure. Tate reached his breaking point in 1994 when he set his mother's then boyfriend, Larry Harvey, on fire for murdering Beauregard and then afterwards committed a mass shooting at Westfield High, taking the lives of 15 students.
Following the shooting, Tate returned home where he was killed by a SWAT team and since then has resided in the murder house, where Tate raped Viven, impregnantng her simultaneously with her husband. Tate still attempts a relationship with Violet.

Personality and Appearance: Tate has a very grunge-like appearance, having been a teenager in the early 1990's. His disposition is primarily solemn and weary, with perpetual bags under his eyes. There is tension between him and his mother, Constance. He has even admitted to her that he hates her. His hatred for his mother was born out of her negligent parenting and the verbal abuse she constantly dealt him as a child in her drunken alcoholic rages. Tate pretends that he is oblivious to his current state of existence to those unfamiliar with his past. In truth, he is aware that he is a ghost. He kept this a secret, fearing how Violet would react.
In the grander scheme of things, one might say that Tate Langdon is evil and working under ulterior motives. His unborn child with Vivien is presumed, by Constance's medium Billie Dean, to be the Antichrist. He murdered several students at his high school without regret and abused cocaine before he committed the murders.

As a ghost, Tate primarily dons a BDSM fetish coverall to become (what is popularly referred to as) the Rubber Man whenever he does nefarious things. In this persona, he killed Chad Warwick and Patrick in a particularly brutal fashion. He beat Chad and drowned him to death, and went on to beat Patrick and sodomize him with a fire poker as he was dying. Tate appears to be superhumanly strong as a ghost, as he was capable of overwhelming Patrick and Ben in separate fights, despite both being far more muscular than him. In his earlier treatments by Ben, Tate often fantasized
Added by KatD1 about murdering his classmates (though seemingly unaware such fantasies are a real memory) and took pleasure in mocking Ben about his sexual desire for Violet.

As his relationship with Violet and treatments with Ben continued, Tate seemed to become friendlier and soft. He often speaks rather highly of Ben as a father, telling Violet he wished he had a father like him while growing up. He also expressed the sentiment to Hayden that he was getting tired of hurting people. However, he continues to be unwilling to let Violet move out of the House, to the point where he attacked both Ben and Vivien as the Rubber Man, though at the end of Smoldering Children, it is revealed this was because he was trying to prevent Violet from finding out she was dead, as he was afraid of how she would react. Tate would later tell Ben that he really did feel like his treatments were helping him get better. He also broke down in tears and admitted to the suffering he'd caused, though Ben did not believe he was really remorseful.