The angel followed her gestures with his eyes, seeming rather lost and out of focus for a little moment, before he took a long, deep breath, and finally walked inside. Uneasiness weighted a ton, and he felt his vessel's body go heavy as he slowly caught up with the woman.
"We... haven't spoken in a while. It is not really of import, is it?" Shrugged, meeting her gaze. "There is much bigger fish to deal with." His blunt way of saying the Winchesters won't be an obstacle for her in the long run. She offered him a seat, a drink, yet he refused both. Castiel was just too agitated for his own good.
"Thank you." Replied, watching the maid leave the office like she could be a potential danger as well. Paranoid much? Gazing back at Aurora, he stood on the same spot, fists clenched at his sides. He is not sure what he's really asking for here...his primary objective had been to find her, and now that he did...well.
"Michael and Lucifer need to be stopped." Straight to the point, at least.
¡Siento la demora! ¿aun desea hacer rol conmigo? para ponerme en marcha
*El gran hombre comienza reir ante la respuesta de ella* Simplemente es una pequeña habilidad de mi ojo derecho que puede ver detenidamente la aura de cada ser, que ve y asi siente que usted tiene una aura inusual la de un mortal obviamente es defecto. Le pido las disculpas del caso *el gran hombre escucha lo ultimo que dices* Para mi no me es importante lo que usted sea, solo mi ojo se dio cuenta nada mas....
Ooc. Lo dudo. No soy tan fácil de convencer y conquistar (?)
The balance had been broken, it was no longer even. Most angels hid behind their arrogance, not wanting to have anything to do with what was happening on Earth. While the angels stayed in Heaven, the majority at least, demons were free to roam the planet and do whatever they wanted in the name of their Father. Evil was winning.
Castiel was afraid, he was...but he couldn't just leave the humans to suffer like that. Even if he's not as powerful as he used to be.
Despair eventually led him to this..."Aurora" woman. He heard of her before, mostly from Sam and Dean since they worked on many cases in which her name popped up, but he was not aware of her true nature. At this point, he didn't even care anymore.
Aurora is known for making people's wishes come true. She could be a charlatan for all he knows...yet, here he was. At the gates of her mansion.
Funny how an once soldier of Heaven could sink this low...
It was no surprise she had heard of the Winchesters as well.
"You do not have to mock me." Retorted, lifting his head to gaze at her. The energy surrounding her was...foreign. Not human, that's a given...but what was she? "I...i came alone." In case she wondered if the Winchesters were nearby.
Ooc. Entonces un inicio le mando (?) Mis poderes de bruja la conquistarán (?)
Loyal to a Father who left a long time ago and never came back, an undeniable truth that did not make him love Him any strange as that might sound. Like any other Angel, he had to love God, was compelled to. Was led to believe those he currently responds to, actually said, used to respond to God Himself a long time ago.
Still, it did not mean he had to agree with everything he was told to. Told to do.
Zachariah was the one in charge when he found out their garrison's true purpose...and since that day, Cas had been adamant on stopping his superior, as well as those who still follow him and think what he says is what God would have wanted, what needs to be done.
Script needs to be followed, Zachariah had said once, more than once, making him doubt everything and everyone.
God wants the Apocalypse?, Cas asked himself, frowning, once he was left alone in the so called 'green room' , a place, a dimension, situated between Heaven and Earth. God wouldn't want to hurt mankind, his most precious creation...would He? No. No...God had left the Angels in charge of looking after humans, not prey on their suffering by allowing Lucifer himself out of the cage to follow some old...script the high Angels believed to be the true word of God.
Seeing the destruction, the deaths, the many deaths that would follow as well after Lucifer eventually raised the Apocalypse and fought Michael, Castiel had to do something. He needed to...think for himself. Yes. The number of hunters diminished with each passing day...and though Sam and Dean were the best out there, they were only two. Two against hordes of demons, horsemen...and Lucifer himself? Yes. It did not seem fair. It was not fair.
It was not like he'd gain followers against Lucifer, because most Angels simply did not care and then again, most of them were under orders from Angels with ranks similar to Zachariah's, so they'd never listen to Castiel, let alone join him in his fight.
Once all four Horsemen were summoned, War, Famine, Pestilence and Death, the planet was nothing but pure chaos. Thousands would perish under the most grim situations. Whether it's an apocalyptic storm, or work of demons, celebrating their father's rising. Sam and Dean and the other hunters did whatever they could, but it was not enough. It would never be enough.
Castiel's connection to the Host was cut off and the Angel did not dispose of most of his powers anymore. He had been cast out, he had truly been...cast out. Like the humans would say, it was like a punch to the gut. A pucnh with the force of God Himself. Castiel did not know what to make of it. Heaven is not about eternal peace is about personal interests. The high Angels would do anything to bring Father back. Literally anything. Like starting the apocalypse and condemn the Earth. They are fools. Little do they know God doesn't care. And in the meanwhile, Lucifer's out there, waiting for Michael to show up, so they can follow said script, and start the battle that will surely roast half the planet.
Castiel never answered Sam or Dean's prayers whenever they tried to reach him, mostly because he was ashamed. He used to be a good soldier. A powerful Angel in charge of his own garrison. Until he started thinking for himself, until he started to doubt...and Heaven ended up denying him.
He can't protect them anymore, he can't...protect anyone.
As for mankind they would never associate the sudden plagues, storms and quakes to the Apocalypse, why would they, preferring to call it an effect of global warming since they had no other explanation for what was happening. Sometimes ignorance is bliss, isn't it?
But Castiel knows.
For the first time in his entire existence, he is afraid. Falling for his beliefs was a punishment worse than death.
Out. Agradecida por la solicitud. Esperando llevar una buena historia de rol.