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About Me
About Me
[code]Look, it's not like a good chunk of my practice has slowly evolved into "Trae yells at thing," but...

...it kinda has.[/code]


[code]Nombre real: Circe.
Nombre humano: Ariadne.
Apodo: Aria o Ane
Signo: Leo (Julio 23–Agosto 22).
Sexo: Femenino.
Fecha de nacimiento: 28 Jul
Nacionalidad natal: Griega
O. Sexual: Heterosexual.
Raza: Bruja.
Elemento: Fuego.
Carácter: Optimista.
Estación: Verano.
Día de la semana: Domingo.
Color: Amarillo.
Planeta: Sol.
Perfumes: Rosa.
Piedra preciosa y metales: Oro y diamante. [/code]

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[code]A spell with few and poor ingredients but strong intent will always be stronger than one with many and rich ingredients, but little or no intent.

And no, I won't be taking second opinions on this[/code].


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