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I Value Honesty

Honesty is extremely important to me. I get tired of wasting my time on people who can’t be honest about even the smallest things. Say how you really feel, if people don’t like it, that’s their problem. Honesty and integrity seem to be rare characteristics.
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booomed · M
Extremely important for me too!!
therighttothink50 · 56-60, M
I always believe living within the purposeful truth trumps existing within meaningless bliss.

The truth is real and if you don't live a life seeking the truth, you become lost and start accepting lies. Lies often wound and darken the soul.
WanderingThrough · 31-35, F
@therighttothink50 I could not agree more.
Budwick · 70-79, M
How refreshing!
I also cherish honesty. Clarity and honesty.
Good for you - so young and such integrity.
Ian123 · 61-69, M
I am not convinced that saying what you really feel is always a good idea.
WanderingThrough · 31-35, F
@Ian123 Yes, but even then, it will probably save them from more severe hurt in the future. People are also far too sensitive, you can barely open your mouth without hurting someone’s feelings.
Budwick · 70-79, M
@Ian123 Ian, we ALL get lied to to some degree. And while I understand 'the truth on occasions can really hurt them'. Out of context, it's difficult to discuss clearly. But here's a couple examples -

My dad was in the hospital, the doctor told me that his condition was terminal. I asked the doctor if I should tell my dad. He said, 'If he asks, yes.' He DID ask, and I DID tell him and it made it easier for him to make some final choices about what he wanted. He wanted to go home for his final days. We hired a nurse and got proper meds and made it happen. Family and friends came to visit. The first night was almost like a party - 'remember when ....?' - big laughs all around. Telling my dad was the kindest thing I ever did for him.

What about the wife / girlfriend asking does this look good on me? Why in God's name would you be anything but honest? You don't want her looking short of her best!

And assholes need to be told they are assholes. Maybe they don't know!

Please feel free to share stories about how being less than honest worked out for you.
Ian123 · 61-69, M
@Budwick its a difficult qustion, i had a situation with my mother many years ago when she went into hospital with stomach cancer. The doctor phoned up the next day and told me she would die. Did it help, it almost broke me in two and wiped out any hope I had she would get better. It was touch and go for a while whether I would be here or not

It was only later that I realized it was better to have the truth. On a more mundane level a friend of mine was going out with her boyfriend a couple of years back. She was always asking me Does he love me, is he seeing other women, why wont he talk to me. I afraid sometimes I was less than honest but it must have worked
because she married him 👍

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