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I Love Reading Books

I have always been an avid reader. When I was a kid, like most of you, I used to hide novels and story books inside my text books and sit with them all day so my parents didn't find out I wasn't doing any actual studying. 😅
I have been writing poetry on and off since school and much more frequently these days, and reading as well. What I can't get off my mind is how some authors write so lucidly and precisely and are able to get a vivid impression of what they want to convey, stick in your head. Like right now, I was re-reading Rage of Angels by Sidney Sheldon since I have nothing to do and I came across this situation where Jennifer, the lawyer comes across a black convict in prison who stands no chance before the jurors given his violent history and his race (racial discrimination in the early 90s!).And Sheldon says,(not quoting verbatim) Jennifer wonders what it would feel like to wear that scarred black skin. That phrase is gonna stick with me for sure. Do you know of any writers who writes so vividly?
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Montanaman · M
Pat Conroy.
Nicholas Evans.
Nicholas Sparks.
Robert James Waller.
Jodi Picoult.

But my favorite one is Lorian Hemingway. (The Granddaughter)
A very dear friend of mine.
Pfuzylogic · M
I entertain Clive Barker precisely for that reason even though he is quite different from me personally. Kafka was very complex with a masterful control of language and phrases for me in “The Trial” and “The Castle”.
TheIncredibleHulka · 31-35, F
@Pfuzylogic I'm going to try them, then. 🙂
Pfuzylogic · M
They are my favorites along with William Gibson and Neil Gaiman. A warning with Clive is that he can get gory and bloody.
Kafka died at 40 from Tuberculosis and he lived with an overbearing Father which is evident in his writing.
Lostpoet · M
You wrote that really vividly
TheIncredibleHulka · 31-35, F
@Lostpoet 😅 Well this is coming from a poet, so I guess I'm good. 🤣 Thanks.
midnightsun · 26-30, M

I only read non fiction
BirthYear1993 · 31-35, M
I love reading but I have not read English books more :)
LoyalPervert · 31-35, M
I love reading erotic stories

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