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I Don't Mind Being Incontinent

Yep. The cross I must bear. I was born with a slight defect to my spine that caused a number of not so slight functions to, shall we say not work properly. Unfortunately my continence was one of these function. Fortunately walking was not so I can thank my lucky stars for that at least.

I've been to more urologists and continence specialists than I can count on all my fingers and toes and so far there has been nothing that can be offered that comes close to suiting my lifestyle but then again I've never known anything different than being incontinent so to be honest I'm pretty used to it and function just fine using absorbent products.

It did cause a lot of trouble growing up but now I'm an adult I see there are much worse things . I took many a knock of self confidence from horrible, poorly informed and shallow people but meeting the love of my life who not only accepts but embraces my problem and actually turns it into a positive has helped me improve this 100 fold.

I guess what I'm trying to say is; Incontinence is kinda s**tty (forgive the pun) but its really not the end of the world and no matter how hard it seems, it could always be worse.

Chins up guys/gals and stay hydrated

Gem xx
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It's ok my friend. I was still in nappies full time until the age of 6. Then one day my mum and I were walking along the path of a suburban street when suddenly I was hit and run over by a speeding car. I had to learn how to walk again but the internal injuries left me with no function of my bladder and bowels. From that day on, I remained in nappies full time. I have since managed to gain some self control over my bowels but am completely bladder incontinent. I do however still sometimes have number 2 accidents. I can't help it. But I'm not afraid to tell people that I wear nappies. If they ask, then I'm open and honest. But I have embraced the need for them and personal I couldn't live a single day or moment without one on.
Aw, I'm glad you have a guy who supports you and understands your problems. You deserve nothing but the best ❤️
HeyLookItsGemma · 31-35, F
Depends how personal it is.
It actually has to do with me but I just wanted some friendly advice from someone who is in the same situation, that's all :)
HeyLookItsGemma · 31-35, F
Right. As long as its respectful you can message
Wow! What a courageous story/share hey keep up that attitude with life. Your inspiring!!! Truley.
Well i dont have that problem but your story makes me look at my problems and think to myself: " What are crying about you baby"
HeyLookItsGemma · 31-35, F
Just because you don't have this problem doesn't mean your problems aren't valid. Everyone's problems are problems; the difference is how we deal with them. For me I don't even see my incontinence as a problem anymore. Its just part of the tapestry that is me. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and all that jazz
Thats an awesome way to look at things Gemma, exactly what doesnt kill you makes you stronger, there is validity to that maam
That's great that you found someone that supports you! I am also one of those guys.... not only do I accept it, but I embrace it... it's a lifestyle I enjoy.. it turns me on. So, I'm still waiting to find my incontinent princess. ;)
You are a strong person Gemma! Hopefully this will inspire others to understand better......
HeyLookItsGemma · 31-35, F
Not sure I should post in this in view of the group title (I hate my incontinence) but this is a great summing up of what is not a great situation and thus making the most of it and getting on with life.
like you i have had this all my life but in some ways its made me stronger.
I'm sorry
Some of us actually enjoy being naughty and pooping in panties just for the fun of it and the amazing feeling of warm soft poop covering our bum.Enjoy it and it will not seem so bad.
RemovedUsername663019 · 31-35, M
Holy shit! forgive my pun, finally someone incontinent that realized someone who likes them just as much or more for their struggles instead of hating it lol seriously it always turns silent when in my're right someone shouldn't find it cute or inspiring...but sick and repugnant yeah that's so much better...haha I know its mean but it's like I got talk to some people and they're all butthurt like I'm an outsider. Haha yeah I had a totally easy life...real walk through like everyone else. I'm so happy tho ypu have someone that makes you happy, it also makes you strong thr more support and friends the more people kick ass!

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