No one has any more satisfaction than another? How can I say that? I understand that from the outside someone in physical pain is experiencing less satisfaction than say someone getting a massage. The thing is that whatever is going on in our minds plays a big role in whether we experience satisfaction. You could be wealthy and the dress you ordered for the party you are going to today, is one size too big, and you would experience dissatisfaction, at having your immediate desire unmet. That’s what I mean that no one has any more satisfaction than another because we all have so many desires, and at them not being met we experience dissatisfaction. Where we only appreciate how pleasing something is when we experience a more painful situation. When our desire towards a person, place, thing, or idea is met we are satisfied. When our desire towards a person, place, thing, or idea is not met, we get sad or angry. We can look from the outside at two people with two different situations. The one “at peace” who desires nothing more and is smiling may have a circumstance that we consider less satisfying than another, yet the other be inside a beautiful castle crying because the one person they wanted does not want them in return. #satisfaction #subjective
Yes satisfaction is based on appreciation, and appreciation is based on outlook comparing experiences and weather something meets expectations or not.
Therefore satisfaction is based on our mental expectations and experiences.
I've worked in taxes in the past, where one customer was quite unhappy only getting back one of the largest refunds I've seen, as their expectations was more. Mean while, a couple of guys owned lots of money, but weren't the list bit unhappy (at least not at us) as they expected it and knew it was coming.