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I Want To Swap Boddies With The Opposite Gender

I've had a conversation along these lines with a group of friends before. Even before I realized I was gender-fluid. I would actually love to be able to be a woman for a month or two. I'd like to experience things from a woman's perspective. My female friends can tell me about micro-aggressions ("Smile, baby" or being followed or simply being openly and wantonly eyed up while walking or a million other things), for example, until they're blue in the face. On some level, I can even understand it. But to truly empathize, I think experiencing it would be helpful.

Similarly, during that conversation all those years ago, I picked that length of time on purpose. I'd have to deal with a period or two that way. Again, women can tell me what cramps feel like and such, but I just can't relate no matter how hard I try.

There are a million things, some big and some small, that women and men just experience differently. I'd love to get a better understanding of them, to empathize better with female friends and family.
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missionfigdeluxe · 61-69, M
I’d try it!!
Interested to say the least! Self awareness as opposite sex but while also being incognito to really appreciate without judgment and freely explore ALL of aspects
pointswithpinky · 46-50, M
@Dangerousliasons One imagines it wouldn't be all pleasure, but indeed an educational experience.
LookingForIt987 · 51-55, M
@pointswithpinky For sure. I suspect the self-awareness would make some things incredibly frustrating, to be honest. But that’s sort of the point - at least for me: to learn empathy.
silkandlace · 46-50, M
Ive Always wondered what it would be like!
LookingForIt987 · 51-55, M
@silkandlace Yeah, I'd like to remain aware. (I don't think you really meant "own intellect" so much as "own self-awareness"). Barring that, I would certainly like to retain what I learned when "switching" back. Otherwise it sort of defeats the purpose.

Also, there's the weirdness of what other people do and don't know. Do they know I've changed, for example? Or as part of this exercise, do they think I've always been a woman while I'm switched? 🤷‍♂️
silkandlace · 46-50, M
@LookingForIt987 yes, I've pondered that part too
silkandlace · 46-50, M
@LookingForIt987 very honestly, my first curiosity woul be the Period
Very well put.
I would like to experience this, as well. I think having the experience is the only way to truly empathize. Words don't teach.
pointswithpinky · 46-50, M
That is a most compelling rationale for changing one's gender, which I applaud.
It's interesting to me only males replied to this post. I guess there are far fewer women who would like to see what it would be like to be in a man's body than there are men who would like to see what it would be like to be in a woman's body.
Budwick · 70-79, M
Careful there Looking. I think you spilled some gender fluid.

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