I took the week off to get some big projects done. One of them entailed trapping feral cats in the neighborhood. The population has exploded. We managed to trap 4 adult cats, 2 of which had given birth recently. Lo and behold, look at what walked into the traps...2 baby kittens.
They are too small to have neutered so I agreed (reluctantly) to foster them until they reach 3 lbs.
The black and white managed to escape the cage. I bent down to grab him and he bit me 12 times...yes, 12. Off I had to go to the doctor for a tetanus shot and Augmentin.
I guess no good deed goes unpunished or is that unrewarded?
@sciguy18: hey my friend. well i was on augmentin for a staff infection in the sinuses and i needed augmentin for the cat bites so i am good now...and i still have the kittens...sigh
@Harmonium1923: i was never a cat person but i have adopted 3 feral cats and i love them dearly..wish you lived closer. these 2 need a home...and you are def an exception. the men in my neighborhood have been harassing me over them
OMG!?🐈🐈🐈We had this same problem in an apartment building we use to live in several years ago. It was awful because they were starving and I couldn't feed them all the time. My boyfriend and a neighbor started trapping them and dropping them off in different parts of town. That sounds bad but they want $25.00 at the shelters for stray animals even if they aren't yours?!😞
Those feral kittens are fierce little critters. I picked one up once and it turned into a fluffy ball of spinning razor blades. My hand was shredded and dripping blood in the one second before I put him down.
Cats are slow to trust.. they probably don't know how to tell the difference yet. I hope they are grown now and better? It breaks my heart for feral animals. It seems weird but I worry about abusive people and the weather when it comes to them.
@greenmountaingal: oh gosh...one lady has 60 ferals in her yard. she is relocating them to a refuge she is buying. i would love to give you some kittens..our center for spaying has 115 kittens and 805 adult cats. we neutered over 20 the past few months