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I Am Sexually Confused

I don't know if I starting to turn full on gay. I've grown into my bi- sexualness I have been with a woman once but never dated one. At present I am single and whenever I go out I can't keep my eyes off pretty women. It's very strange and it is seriously making me question my sexuality.
I did enjoy the one time I was with another woman. I found it refreshing. But apart from that I have no experience dating a female or anything.
Can someone help in any way?
I'm worried I'm morphing into an Ellen page or Kristen Stewart 😬😬😬
StonerGirl69 · 26-30, F
How far did you go with the first girl? I've hooked up with two girls now but haven't dated one, and I feel like I'm in the same boat. lol I definitely find girls more attractive, have you been with a guy since? I say if you have and it feels different you could definitely be leaning more towards les than straight because I have tried stuff with guys after and it completely grossed me out. That's kinda when you'll have the realization I think, that's how I did anyways.
Isthisit · F
@StonerGirl69 thanks for your input!! I have just been with that one girl and I appreciated how different it felt and it was all in positive ways. I haven't been with a guy since. I got very confused from that point on eh, I can sexuality fantasize about guys and get turned on but when it comes to anything more I just feel completely turned off.
StonerGirl69 · 26-30, F
@Isthisit im the same exact way!! I'd say just go with the flow, try and find a girl to be your girlfriend and go from there. However dont block guys out completely if you still have them thoughts, you might still find the right guy as well. Just be yourself and let things come naturally.
KandiGhostcat · 22-25, F
Well, with bisexuality it can be a bit strange. Most people think that you're attracted to both genders equally, but truth is that you may be attracted to one gender more then the other. So maybe you're just more attracted to women then men perhaps.
Emele · 31-35, F
Isn't that the 'bi' part of bi-sexual? It's not wanting to be with people of either sex all the time, it can swing one way or the other over any length of time. Explore it, find what feels right. Slowly if you need it to be. I'm sure there are plenty of sites you can find where people who have shared this experience can offer you their advice.
@Emele I've heard someone call this pan-sexual, but they equally identified with an insatiable sexual desire... (which is not the case with all people)
Emele · 31-35, F
@SW-User I think 'pan' differs to 'bi' as it includes trans and other gender identity people. 'Bi' is just men or women.
@Emele Maybe, but she worded it as she's sexually attracted to anyone. I maybe a little bi, but prefer woman, I'm not attracted to *all* women ---
Nat15 · F
I think you should like who you like regardless of their sex. :) let yourself be happy. 🤗
melbeacher · 56-60, M
I think as we get older and more open minded and more comfortable in our own skin we become more accepting of people and ideas that might have put us off when we were younger. I know I am way more open minded now than when I was 20.
mhuman · 36-40, M
listen to the voice of your heart. both man and woman is perfect, the main thing is how good and happy you feel with someone. God Bless You!
river52 · 70-79, M
time has a way of sorting things out. Like others have said, just go with it for now....take opportunities as they come along....enjoy yourself and see what happens.
Women display much more effeminate qualities, to me, are just that bit more sensual. I say this as a man who questions his own sexual identity, likely knowing I'm bi, it might come down to what you value .... if I take my chances women are more open emotionally, and my preference, then I'm happy continuing to tell the world I'm straight with a slight interest here and there.
SapphicSandi2187 · 41-45, F
I think sometimes sexuality is more fluid & can oscillate between many things. I say go with the flow & see where it takes you. Listen to your intuition. I'm here if ya have anything you want to talk about or ask questions. 😉
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Johnny1 · 41-45, M
Did this happen all of a sudden?
Johnny1 · 41-45, M
What time is it in your zone?
Isthisit · F
@Johnny1 thankyou
Johnny1 · 41-45, M
Nothing wrong with that. To each their own
Pat999 · 31-35, M
possibly.. think sexuality is a spectrum...
Terrance · 41-45, M
This sounds legit 🤔
Just go with the flow.😌
Serendipitymaybe · 51-55, M
How can I help?

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