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I Hate Feeling Used

I don't let many get close to me...but when I do, I open myself up and let all of me pour out. I invest in them as a friend or companion trusting that they are investing in me...not just for selfish gain.

A fresh wound and another bandaid. How many times must I bleed before I learn?
Windsylph · F
I'm so sorry you were hurt. I love what justmerae said, and also want to say that there is something truly lovely about someone who remains open to others, even after being hurt. Not open to the one who hurt and abused your trust--but open to new friendships and opportunities. A closed door blocks the light. Soft breezes to you my friend.
Don't give away more than you can afford to lose.
This is something I have learned and it has served me well.

But, it is not your fault.
If you were sincere and they were not they are the ones who should feel bad, usually, however users never feel bad.
JarJarBoom · 41-45, F
I'm the same way, I'm not one to pour my heart out to someone and really I'm afraid they'll find out that I'm vulnerable or find some flaw and just not want to be my friend anymore....but I learned that maybe I just need to be more self-reliant
Kel Kel kel ... you are the best ... if you need somebody to practice being mean to ...pick me! ... if you need a wingman ... pick me! ... you need a drinking buddy ... pick me! ... you need somebody to compliment your golf game ... pick me!

...... Signed, Your Friend (me)
I don't think of it as being mean, more like being kind to myself. I am a kind person, but I am all so kind to me.
Sunnykel76 · 46-50, F
Your has so much truth thanks. I need to brush up on being a little meaner I guess :)
Sunnykel76 · 46-50, F
@jarjar even in our 30s were still trying to figure it out :)
river52 · 70-79, M
sorry you have been yourself and don't give up !!
Sunnykel76 · 46-50, F
Thanks Wind....always refreshing
Sunnykel76 · 46-50, F
@Qw....thanks your a good man xo
Gives Kel one of my level-12 hugs ...
Sunnykel76 · 46-50, F
*your response
Smikezz2 · 46-50, M

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