Always, write about what you know. A baseball, basketball or kickball game you played and learned something from, or a story your parents shared with you. Stories don't have to be 'big happenings.' They just have to have a beginning, a middle where something, even something small, happens, and an ending.
A man falls in love with a woman from another planet in a far away Galaxy. She must return. He is invited to accompany her but is told if he goes, he can never return to earth. What decision does he make and why?
I had an English class in college that required me to write a lot of short 2 page stories.
A few of the things I wrote about: -The Junk mail in my mailbox -Advantages of progressive vs. regressive taxation. -What I observed as I pushed a cart up and down every aisle in the large grocery store up on the corner. (That one was f*cking hilarious) -A trip to the "mall" and the Vietnam Wall in DC