Always tell the truth ,unless the truth hurts others ,then just remain silent . As a rule the burden of proof is on the accuser . Pleading the 5th is not a sin ,,, Lying is .
Depends on what one is being “honest” about. Another poster was just “honest” about her admiration for Hitler. I only appreciated her “honesty” because knowing whom to block saves time. 🙁
@bijouxbroussard I am ..have my son home with me finally ,His Mom and I finally reached an agreement where I didn't have to take her to court to get him back . The ex and I are more friendly .She is now looking at whats best for our son and not just who has him to control the other .(He is 12 now ,he also has a say so and he wanted to live with me ) The love of my life I lost ,she and I are talking ,planning on more date's when nicer restaurants open .(She works all the time ,and at night ,so time to just get away is hard to schedule .but not impossible ,but she has children too ,so hard for her to get away when she does have free time ,I hope to eventually fix that and make her life a lot easier ) I am going to kidnap her for a pic nick before then ,,(she is willing ) My son is spending the weekend with her and her kids ,he has missed her too . So things are great ,I hope and pray all is well with you . I do miss my loyal and kind friends (my extended family ) But I am trying to stay busy with things that actually enrich my life . My self isolation has taught me a lot about myself . But its time I go live what I preach ,effect lives that need a role model . (Besides just my family and their friends ,time to meet new ones of my own ) I am not kidding myself I do much good on social media .. But I do miss all the good people I have met ,and allowed into my heart . You are most definitely one of those people . Thank you so much for always just being you . You're kindness but also you're honesty has touched me so much . In ways you will never know thank you . Always in my heart Rick .