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I Like to Read Books

I love real books, the feel of the pages and the weight in your hand and even the smell of the paper sometimes. Reading off a screen or kindle or something is great but now matter how good the book is it becomes a kind of clinical experience. Real books is where it's at 📖
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Yes reading off a screen is not the same experience. I love the tangible tactile feel of a book in my hand, plus I can read more easily from it. A book doesn't require batteries and can be brought anywhere. After your done, I love the look of a bookshelf filled with books.
jackson55 · M
I just got the last print issue of a favorite magazine. 59 years and now online only. So goes the print business.
Habby · 22-25, F
@jackson55 Its suuch a shame
jackson55 · M
@Habby As print advertising drys up so does the print business. I think many don’t care to take the time to read a book or magazine. All online now especially your age group.
I don't care as I'm not a collector and no one shares them. I'm just glad I have the chance to pull up books of all kinds on the internet and learn FAST.
And my real ones are friends that made me what I am.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
I like real books too.
Totally agree , I got a big hard back at the moment called the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire and its nice to lug around and lay down and have that real feeling and touch
Yeah, I can't wrap my head around reading a kindle

something satisfying about seeing the progress of your bookmark
I do read more on kindle but recently found great cheap 2nd hand bookshop I may start using
jackson55 · M
I enjoy reading book too, and they dont need batteries.
Habby · 22-25, F
@jackson55 though they aren't self-illuminating, on the downside lol
jackson55 · M
@Habby You're right about that. I do take my iPad when I fly for that reason and the room.
TheConstantGardener · 56-60, M
I agree. I've never had an e reader although I can see the advantages of one.
Dadbod52 · 56-60, M
I order through kindle. It’s always in stock.
Habby · 22-25, F
@Dadbod52 that is a good point lol
Dadbod52 · 56-60, M
I seriously got tired of my book not being there. I love the Weight, smell, touch of a good book. But I want it now lol@Habby
jackson55 · M
I agree and books don’t have batteries that go dead.
Habby · 22-25, F
@jackson55 And it's not always quite as bad if you drop them in the bath!
Repete · 61-69, M
I agree even tho I don't read as often as I use to .
Archangel14 · 22-25, F
My whole family are geeks and we love our technology. My parents still buy CDs so they can have the lyrics and the inserts in the case and we all still buy books because a cold, hard tablet will never replace the feeling of pages under your fingertips.
callis40 · 46-50, M
i travel alot and spend months out of the uk so for me the kindle is a god send. however when back in uk i do enjoy holding a book, the feel and new book smell. charity shops i enjoy looking through the books to buy
I appreciate a younger person saying this.
I prefer the tactical experience of turning a page and being able to write in the margins.

What are you reading now?
veghard · 36-40, M
Plus with a real book you can hit someone who is annoyingly disturbing your reading.
I'm reading the Tom Hanks short stories book at the moment"Uncommon Types"
AceWarbringer · 41-45, M
Just finished the Belgariad for the umpteenth time. Lol 😁
I also like to read right now I am reading a book on Healthy Eating
AbbyS94 · F
Oh yes I totally agree! I just love the sensory experience of it!
Mr7inch · 36-40, M
Digital books give me a head ache. Paper is best
MtnManJohn · 61-69, M
Well said Abby. Gotta have a real book.
Somerset · 26-30, M
What are you currently reading?
Beardedguy · 31-35, M
So true i have just got a kindle too
Couldn't agree more!
DwayneLungu · 26-30, M
What u reading now? @Habby
bluemachine · 31-35, M
Whatd u read last
littlematthew123 · 22-25, M
I like comic books! :)

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