thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
My mind is mostly wrapped up in its own madness. :)
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thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
@Bratt That's really interesting. 🤔 I wonder if that's why playing guitar helps me think as well? Just going through that muscle memory engrained in my fingers, seeing what comes out.
Bratt · F
@thepreposterouspanda Certainly. Measure a calm steady breath vs the flow of fingers on the fret board?
Both take discipline to attain. In time, both are meditational in a sense that the absence of thought, is ground zero for deep contemplation to occur.
Both take discipline to attain. In time, both are meditational in a sense that the absence of thought, is ground zero for deep contemplation to occur.
thepreposterouspanda · 36-40, M
@Bratt I really want to get a drumset again for that very reason. It's a very easy thing to get lost in. :) (Also, good leg/ankle exercise, and all the gods know I need all of it that I can get at this point. 😂😎)
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
Yeah my brain owns this body. I just live here.
Bratt · F
@HellsBelle I sincerely wish you well .
HellsBelle · 36-40, F
@Bratt all said jokingly. Im ok no worries
Bratt · F
Elisbch · M
I just came across this post today. It's older but I never thought about it this a way. These words, this question. This has really made me stop and think. Not about a corporate president though, but to others. There are some that I'm going to stop paying mental rent to very quickly. Others are going to take a bit longer, but their time is up. They'll be getting the memo in one fashion or another.
vetguy1991 · 51-55, M
I hope not
Bratt · F
@vetguy1991 Me too 😎
summersong · F
I pay mental rent to all sorts of fools who don’t deserve it.

@summersong You sound like me :)
Bratt · F

Not anymore, self employed now
Bratt · F
@SW-User Internally independent. 😎