@SimplyTracie Never in the history of the US have we FORCED anyone adult and not incarcerated to take a medication... For some certain meds can be a lifesaver and a death sentence for the next person. If that were to happen that way then our laws dictate that those who die get justice vis-a-vis SOMEone whose actions led to the death.
I know all like to get a big laugh pretending President Trump suggested injecting bleach or Lysol or what-not--- I went back and listen to his exact comments just now, before posting this. Very articulate, Trump isn't-- we can all agree to that-- But the false claim he suggested injecting bleach is nothing but a political stunt from his opponents.
How many of you realize Chemo is a chemical-- How many know chemotherapy is often described as a "chemical injected into the cancer patient to "disinfect" the diseased cell?
@GERRI No, I'm saying YOU Spin, you did it just there. Neither I nor anyone else I personally know says he said to inject either Lysol nor bleach. He did however say perhaps we should look into injecting disinfectant. I am not taking that on heresay nor as spin, I was watching live broad cast of his fat mouth saying it in person to the press conference from the 1st time he said it aloud (not twitter or anything, HIS MOUTH.) Now I will say, further, that I saw that from one camera angle 1st, and it was about 2 weeks before another development would be revealed that supposedly changed the context alittle). From a different camera angle you could see that he was talking to and looking at Dr. Birx when he said it and that was when he tried covering his tracks by saying it was a joke, that he was sarcastic and everyone should have known that. (Dr. Birx, bye the way, refused to look at him in that same scene, and did not directly address his comment, I think because she didn't want to seem like she was justifying that he even made such a comment. Frankly to me she looked embarrassed.) But the fact, is that he doesn't say he's joking for over a week, he's been shown again and again that a wide swath of the US doesn't get his sordid, twisted sense of humor and even if you say that makes them stupid he needs to know that he's on camera and might be governing a mixture of people, some smart and some stupid. If he wants to be the president of all the Americans then he needs to control his message a little better. Some thing that this is the best gig in the world, most presidents go in with one hair color and come out with another... because it's big kid time, not Jr. High schooler time. So even it you tell me how fuckin' funny he is and I'm dumb for not getting it and so are all the others... it's damned irresponsible, his manner of governing is full on not-adult-level responsible.
@GERRI In a land of supposed equality then we must extrapolate that noone cares what YOU have to say.
So when your first comment is reviewed and you SEEM to speak for others, at all, we must conclude that since no one cares that you will proceed to shut up.
So far you appear to be another posting identity for Donald Trump himself as you. 1 Lie about some fact including 1(a) the things that Trump said that are On Video and easily looked up. 2 Insult people on either BEing or on closeness to women (I am a 51 y.o. male, US citizen and caucasian, before you ask.) 3 Lie in ways that put words in other people's mouths, especially 3(a)to state that everyone knows something you benefit from or 3(b) to state how much everybody loves you or anything you've ever done. 4 Attack unrelated things to take attention away from your own shortcomings; as in 4(a) Where did any mention of my "scientific expertise" come from? This was not about science it was about Trump (you) and the idea that he wasn't even trying to state scientific fact -- he said it was sarcasm and a joke (his words, yo). 4 (b-c) Where did your ageist and misogynistic slant come from? and what do they do to advance his notions of good policy or help for the average person in a society-wide health crisis? https://youtu.be/hrB3EuUcVDE https://youtu.be/d57zJr82dhQ https://youtu.be/Gn6LbtgVDMY Showing the vid of Dr. Birx on the side is the closest thing your boy (or self) can get to an attempt at redemption, an alternative slant, a repreive from being viewed as dangerously ridiculous. If it had ever been passed by her or recommended by her then she would have demonstrated a different demeanor, and her comments to the media in coming days would have been different.
Every time you come back with your derrogatory spiteful, ill-thought-out responses gives me one more chance to repost and take his fat, conniving syndromic circus down another notch. So bring it.
Doctors at Henry Ford in Michigan say covid-19 patients who received hydrochloroquine had a 13% death rate as opposed to 26% of the patients who didn't receive it.
The study is controversial (I know, a shock).
But it's not a cure - it may or may not be a treatment to, you know, make dying less likely.
@SimplyTracie See below. It has been shown to only be an effective treatment in about 7-10% of the cases, meanwhile about 35% of the people who receive it experience negative effects unrelated to COVID... heart trauma, increased chance of stroke, blood pressure problems. So to save less than 10% you would add greater danger to 35%. The math just doesn't support it.
Here's a twist: my friend was just exposed to someone who has CoVid(person did not know at the time). He socially distanced, but following his visit with her, she tested positive.
Now consider this: my friend has rheumatoid arthritis, and guess what they prescribe for it? You guessed it. So he is waiting for the results of his test.
In US history no government regulation has ever been able to force someone to take a medication among the adult, unincarcerated population. For some certain meds can be a lifesaver and a death sentence for the next person. If that were to happen that way then our laws dictate that those who die get justice vis-a-vis SOMEone whose actions led to the death.
Sure some MOB actions may have occurred, but I am not speaking to mob action as much as to legal action... Mob action is random, occurs differently in different places and more likely than not flies against the legislation -- meaning that if the members of the mob could be caught they would be prosecuted.