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I Call Men Sir

I dont really get this...loads of older guys who message me here or on messenger platforms ask me to address them this way.

What is it?
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PlumBerries · 31-35, F
I call guys "sir". Not because they have ever asked me to call them that but I just like saying it.. infact a lot of the people I have called sir, have told me to stop saying it lol
ninjavu · 51-55, M
Wannabe "doms". 😂 Oddly, on another platform, some women want to call me "sir" without there being even a hint of dominance in the conversation. I suppose some women are just naturally submissive, and so some men assume all women are or should be. 🤷‍♂️
Mal42 · 46-50, M
It's a form of BDSM if you don't address them properly they can tell you do things to them in a sexual nature that you may not like. I for one hate to be called sir. I'm not knighted and I'm not a teacher any more. But yes that's where it comes from. I hope this answers your question.
Mal42 · 46-50, M
@MaryJo1996 see as I say it's a sign of bdsm. Luckily they just tell you off. Some can go further.
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@Mal42 Some can go fuck themselves too. 😂😂
Mal42 · 46-50, M
@MaryJo1996 Absolutely, and I wholeheartedly agree. It's all what you like and don't like at the end of the day. :)
bhatjc · 46-50, M
What do you call older guys who talk to you. In the states. We call people. Mr. Sir.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@MaryJo1996 But if the officer was talking to you. How would be addressing you. Like " miss,madam," We don't get first names. until we know a person better.
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@bhatjc I dont know.
bhatjc · 46-50, M
@MaryJo1996 We don't say the persons first name. Till we have gotten to know them. But some times. They just say their name in greeting
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Well it’s all part of what part of the world you come from and how you were raised and how you were taught to address your elders.
updown2020 · 61-69, M
@MaryJo1996 okay that’s fine . Some others were taught to address sir or ma am.
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@updown2020 Lol never met anyone around my age who was.

And here you wouldnt say "Ma'am" to anyone apart from royalty.
updown2020 · 61-69, M
@MaryJo1996 Well that’s fine in some homes and schools I think people were taught to address adults by sir or ma’am some kids even addressed their parents like that especially if the were being disciplined.
R5000 · 41-45, M
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@R5000 Yes, they are different.

And respect isn't calling people by some silly ego boosting title.
R5000 · 41-45, M
What do you want to call them?
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@R5000 Most people have this thing called a "name".
Rutterman · 46-50, M
I like it fine if someone does it of their own volition, but I can't see requesting that someone do it.
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@Rutterman Loads of men do to me all the time. 🙄
Rutterman · 46-50, M
@MaryJo1996 Oh, I believe you.
Benjr134 · M
They’re trying to either initiate a dom/sub relationship or demanding respect.
OlderDude · 61-69, M
Sir? No. That would make me feel like I have to be wise and know stuff. Lol
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Can't stand being called's for much older gents than myself!
Gforce1163 · 61-69, M
It’s because they think being old means they should automatically get ‘respect’. They’re wrong.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
I have no idea. 🙄
Is it something that make them happy?
@MaryJo1996 🙄 and you call them that?
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@YukikoAmagi Well i never said that.
@MaryJo1996 cool 👍
wyolatex · 41-45, M
They are establishing you as a submissive and insisting you be subservient to them.
wyolatex · 41-45, M
@MaryJo1996 I mean, yes, it is. Maybe it’s based off of their age and their expectation of how you address them, but it’s still a power play.
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@wyolatex Respect is earnt. And calling someone "sir" doesnt in any way mean i have respect for them.
wyolatex · 41-45, M
@MaryJo1996 I agree 100%. I am speculating as to why they would insist on you calling them sir.
gdon39 · 46-50, M
I’d rather be called just about anything than sir or mister. I suppose it’s respectful but I’m just not old enough for that nonsense 🤪
User41 · 36-40, M
Once I called my master chief “dude” accidentally...

I was almost sent to Guam for 2 years for it.... 🤔
GentleJoe · 61-69, M
Part of the whole dom/sub thing. Makes them feel like they're in control. Good for their ego.
GentleJoe · 61-69, M
@MaryJo1996 In the context of the interactions you're having with them, probably, yes. However, there is a segment of society that believes men should e addressed this way as a sign of respect. But that begs the question, should women be addressed as ma'am?
MaryJo1996 · 26-30, F
@GentleJoe Good lord no.
GentleJoe · 61-69, M
@MaryJo1996 I don't know. It might be interesting to see their reaction when they ask you that, to say, "Yes sir. And you call me ma'am."
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
I think they are trying to see if you are submissively responsive to a dominate.
Is it something that make them happy?
Is it something that make them happy?
damacles · 61-69, M
no self confidence, lack of self esteem, looking to be validated, think it gives them respect, total narcissism, suffering from lack of RL success with females, suffering from small penis syndrome-take your pick. no reason for anyone to insist on you addressing them as "Sir". Even if it is his title, then he should have enough self worth, that if he friended you on here, he would prefer using names. that's my two cents
bikelover · 56-60, M
No idea , 😶
Mustermann · 36-40, M
I prefer Rt. Hon. ;-)
anderst · 46-50, M
When I not must call you ma’am :)
ImIndian · 31-35, M
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chelseabi · 22-25, F
I don’t know but I can’t see you calling them sir, there either perverts or arseholes in your eyes lol, I look at it like this, to be called a sir you have to be respected or a respectable man and earn respect x
They are trying to dominate you, ignore the idiots they are fake Doms. Respect isn't taken. Bloody idiots! You stand your ground!

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