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I Need to Get Something Off My Chest

Ok... I have to make something clear. So I posted something about Christians. Actually I was being curious, but some Christians found it offensive and claimed I was "attacking" on Christians. To those people I have to apologize. I'm not a effing ISIS to attack people based their religions. I would never hate someone because of their religion. I was born as Christian. I used to believe in Christianity till I was 16. I left it because of these reasons.
1. I happened to be a feminist.
2. I believe in fate not miracles.
3. I don't believe that praying would help anyone.
4. I believe in Science more than what is written in Bible.
5. I support homosexuality.
6. I respect other religions.
7. I have seen people's lives ruined in the name of religion.

Again I'm sorry, if I have offended any of you. But it was not my intention. Even though, I'm no longer following Christianity, I still respect it. That's why I left it in the first place.
I respect your decision to not believe in certain things, me, I am a miracle, and I've seen prayers answered and miracles take place, and I'm gay. I don't believe everything the Bible says because man his edited it and removed things and added things they saw fit, research it. The Catholic Church removed books from the Bible and change things in it. It's to each there own, and good luck to you in the future and from this point forward.
xCorvo · 26-30, M
I'm so used to people attacking religious people online that I assumed it was. I also apologize since you had a genuine question. I believe in live and let live. I should have stayed off your thread since I hate debating anyways. So, I apologize as well. I hope you find your answers, sorry if I offended you. Have a good day.
FORMERLYbatovn · 56-60, M
i was not offended but i appreciate your courage and kindness to explain yourself! we dont have to agree to be respectful .....have a GREAT day!!!!
GeniUs · 56-60, M
Good shout lass, I started off as Christian too but it just doesn't make sense. I'm gonna look really stupid come the end of time!
GeniUs · 56-60, M
Although that having been said I won't brook any nonsense from zealots, luckily I've only crossed one on here who's an evil little SOB. They are the ones who get my back up.

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