Yesterday I had to put my big girl's panties on!!!! In a 24 hour span, these things came at me. 1. My grandson went into surgery. 2. My husband traveled in a snowstorm and it took him an additional 4 hours of driving up and down mountain ranges to get home from NC. He arrived home at midnight. 3. The ATV had a tire flat so I couldn't get extra wood, that we had cut and stacked. I didn't want it to be snow on... just in case. 4. A f... water line to the toilet decided to leak.. big time. Water in bathroom floor! 5. I paced a hundred miles.... in circles!!!
Thanks! the tire fixed, water line fixed, grandson doing better and my man.. is home. As they say... All things shall come to pass! In the mean time... wild and crazy. @splishsplash