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I Want to Share a Day In My Life

Yesterday I had to put my big girl's panties on!!!!
In a 24 hour span, these things came at me.
1. My grandson went into surgery.
2. My husband traveled in a snowstorm and it took him an additional 4 hours of driving up and down mountain ranges to get home from NC. He arrived home at midnight.
3. The ATV had a tire flat so I couldn't get extra wood, that we had cut and stacked. I didn't want it to be snow on... just in case.
4. A f... water line to the toilet decided to leak.. big time. Water in bathroom floor!
5. I paced a hundred miles.... in circles!!!

I am woman, hear me ROAR!

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Sic 'em, tiger. Surviving days like that show what you're made of.

Roaring back.
Echoing · 61-69, F
giggling... yup! Now it's time to cook supper, I am starving. @Mamapolo2016
It's amazing what we can endure.

Hope everyone is having a better day and your grandson is ok.
Echoing · 61-69, F
Thanks! the tire fixed, water line fixed, grandson doing better and my man.. is home. As they say... All things shall come to pass! In the mean time... wild and crazy. @splishsplash
zeeva70 · F
You're got a lot going on and you're handling it.
Aw you’re a tough chicken! Sorry it was such a day-whats the news of Little one?
Echoing · 61-69, F
He is doing so much better. The kid is a tough one, doctor wants to run thru more IV meds, will know more tomorrow. Thanks for asking.@SW-User
Good news xx@Echoing
Heartlander · 80-89, M
In the big girl panties category, I'm not usually into recommending violent movies, but I'll make an exception for a Recent Addition on Netflix


Echoing · 61-69, F
That was awesome! Thank you.@Heartlander
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Panties hu? 😂
Echoing · 61-69, F
granny panties @MartinTheFirst

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