Fantabulous · 46-50, F
It doesn't phase me as that is the point of having a profile in my opinion, someone sees your stuff, maybe wants to know a little more about you and takes a peek...
SandInMyShoes · 36-40, F
I'm just curious lol.
PTCdresser57 · 61-69, M
I view many profiles. If I see your profile or stories and they interest me I friend you.
hami1091 · 41-45, F
I haven't looked at my profile viewers in months. I like being able to see who hearts other's posts and replies it tells me more about them. I pay for VIP to show my support for this site, but the price is right even for one frather you enjoy be it spying on hearters or checking out viewers and you'll be showing some love to the site.
NotYetTooOld · 61-69, M
I'm always curious about that myself. I just may...
SandInMyShoes · 36-40, F
Me too!
SWisGoingWoke · M
I did. Put me on the "looked" list.
I'm so much on your profile I should buy land there
SandInMyShoes · 36-40, F
Spokeskitties75 · 46-50, M
I did! 😊
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I just did 🍻