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I Have Adult Add

I always had a pile of laundry on my couch. No matter what I did, not matter the routine, it was there. But now it isn't. I started on Adderall at the end of July, four months ago. I've never felt more normal.

It's bizarre. I actually fall asleep on this stimulant. It calms me right down. I never realized how irritated I was by noises and sights around me. I would hide in my phone. My children are pleased with my patience with them and how I can hold a conversation with them. I am rapidly learning music theory.

It wears off too quickly though. I get exceedingly impatient, irritable and angry when four hours have elapsed. I can't say that it has really helped me focus, though my laundry is folded and my desk is neater. Mostly I feel comfortable in my own skin and therefore don't have to hide from my work. I don't care to have friends anymore, or maybe I don't care to have THOSE friends anymore. Everything they say and do is a huge waste of time.

Also, I have lost the ability to be an empath. I just knew what people were thinking and feeling before I started this. The ability is completely gone. It's peaceful, but now I have to learn normal communication skills.

My doctor prescribed me Lexapro today. I'm hesitant to take that one. I always knew I had ADD, but was afraid to try psych medication. I waited until I was nearly 30 and struggling at life, as always. I want to finish my degree. It is my only hope. I don't have that type of hope with Lexapro. What is your experience with it?
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Brookeeboop · 41-45, F
I don't have add, i do have bipolar disorder and i can only give you my experience with being put on new medication. Its a process that can be very frustrating. Sometimes it will feel like you are a guinea pig. If medication truly makes your life better to live and affects the people who love you in such a positive way, just keep that in mind when the going gets tough and your doctor and you are searching for the right medication. I firmly believe a drug should never make you feel worse or like a zombie, be honest with your doctor about the effects and keep moving forward. It took me more than 10 yrs to find the perfect prescription. Psychiatry is always evolving so there will be better options in the future. If you discuss prescription drug names with friends and they say don't take that it made feel like ____ don't listen to them everyone's body is different. Take care and do you!
Brookeeboop · 41-45, F
That's interesting. That is what i was getting at; thyroid.
Some of us are colder than others, some warmer. Im on the warmer scale. Well i hope you live in a warm climate.
Bleed · 41-45, F
@Allergic A lot of levels can be off and create symptoms way before it shows on thyroid blood results. Did they just test TSH or did they do T4, T3 and antibodies too? It's always worth with results to get a print out for yourself. Doctors aren't always honest and different drs will interpret the same results differently. Have they tested iron, B12 and vitamin D?
Allergic · 36-40, F
@Bleed my vitamin D was low but I take a whole lot of it now and my test results are normal. Everyone on my mother's side has thyroid issues, so I have been thoroughly tested.
rokrchik1211 · 31-35, F
Lexapro is usually one of the more gentle drugs as far as side effects go. The main side effect I get is drowsiness so I take it at night and it puts me to sleep. I would say don't take it on an empty stomach based on my experience. It works well for some people but not everyone. The only way to know is to try, but you should be started on a low dose of 5mg and gradually go up to 10-20mg. These drugs also take 4-6 weeks to be fully effective so you have to be patient with it.
Coppercoil · M
I've been on it off and on over the years. It's fine.. if you don't like it stop taking it. Simple as that.
Allergic · 36-40, F
I have decided to try to focus on getting sleep, staying out of stressful situations, taking some supplements consistently and avoiding alcohol. Maybe I will even exercise. These seem to be logical preventative measures. Who knows what health care in the USA will be in the coming years? I don't want to be on an expensive medication that you can't abruptly stop if you don't have the money for it.
Allergic · 36-40, F
For a month? Or for a pill?
rokrchik1211 · 31-35, F
A month
Allergic · 36-40, F
Wow! My generic supposedly costs $133 a month.
Degbeme · 70-79, M
It sounds like you`ve done well this far. Keep at it. 🤗 I do know it`s great having you here! 😊
Allergic · 36-40, F
My Doctor just emailed me saying that I can abruptly end this med, it's not that expensive and everything is fine. ....... My feet are really cold. Should I just go for it? WHAT IF I DIE? lol *serious face*
HannibalMontanimal · 26-30, M
I was prescribed lexapro for anxiety and depression. Took it for a few months then threw my prescription in the garbage. Made me feel like a zombie.
Goralski · 56-60, M
Mmmmmm drugs solves all d problems
Brookeeboop · 41-45, F
@Goralski for people with serious disorders like bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, they actually have to be on medication.
Goralski · 56-60, M
@Brookeeboop yes. ...half of d population needs it especially children
Brookeeboop · 41-45, F
I disagree

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