I Want to Go HomeSooo burnt out. Long ass day of work. Cant wait to get out and go home. Just get out of this uniform and relax in the AC. Unfortunately have to try and stay awake the rest of the day. Changing work shifts sucks lol.
I Want to Go HomeUsually I love what I do. But the kid is asleep, it's-7 with a -28 wind chill, hubby has a few days off and I want to be in bed. still have another 2 or 3 hours left. Send help.
I Want to Go HomeSo I have been saving for my trip back to the states next year and they go and cut my hours. 😔 It is so expensive to go back there for several weeks. I might as well face the fact I won’t be able to go. I want to go back so badly!!!!
I Want to Go Homei want to go back to one of my parents. its lonely here and i miss my cat so much. i miss my family.