I Think My Brother Is the Best Brother In the World
Me and my brother are doing a project with photos and videos on a website of some stuff we wrote about finding the one. My hair is my daughters favorite color for the year and its about how I had a coming of age met the one at trade school and concieved a baby with him in his car. We went home but people didnt seem to like us much because i stopped wearing my brown contacts and embraced my eye color. Its pretty much a spin off life about someone who wasnt allowed to exist because they had blue eyes and dark hair that they prefered neon colors. The story is about knowing yourself forgetting yourself then remembering yourself. Theres a link on our page to our old website webcam show from when i was thirteen. He drove the same old car then too. Find Trixy Pixy D at stuttershock go on my old page and let me know what you think. Its classic alternative before the new wave.<3