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I Hate My Siblings

My sister and I are 4 years apart which isn't much but people always say I ,the younger one, act like the oldest because my sister is a sister from hell. She steals money from me without even asking, she stole money from my mother and took her credit card ,again without asking. She takes my makeup and never gives it back which causes us to go into a knock down drag out ending in her with a bruised side and me with a hole in my door. She also takes clothes and I have to go into her room to get them and fines more clothes of mine that I didn't even know she had. I used to take up for her. Not to tell mother that she ran out or come in at 2am and this is how she repays us.She is rude, impolite, selfish,lying , thief!
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Averagewhitegirl · 22-25, F
I do have a lock on my door but she opens it with a credit card, yes she does this I'm not kidding, and my parents don't want to believe that she steals and everything so they don't do anything about it @updown2020
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Well your closet door is it like your bedroom door or do you have sliding doors? But its really better to better lock the bedroom door.
Averagewhitegirl · 22-25, F
@updown2020: Yes my closet doors slide and yea I'll just have to get a deadbolt for it
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Well a deadbolt for the bedroom door
updown2020 · 61-69, M
Well ask your mom if you can put a lock on your door . What does you mom do about all this bad behavior it sound like someone needs a good spanking and for your money hide it or keep it with you.As for cloths well see if you can hide them deep in your closet.
Dolimyte · 41-45, M
Aint family great?
Averagewhitegirl · 22-25, F
You have no idea @Dolimyte
MrSpecialEnough · 26-30, M
Sounds like she needs the pimp hand. [media=]
Averagewhitegirl · 22-25, F
I would agree😂😂

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